Optimizing The Performance And Longevity of Your Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV)


Driving an alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. But even though AFVs use electricity, it’s still important to keep up with regular maintenance just like you would with any other vehicle. By following these tips, you’ll be able to optimize the performance and longevity of your AFV while keeping it running smoothly and safely!

Optimizing The Performance And Longevity of Your Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV)

Keep the tires properly inflated.

Tire pressure should be checked and adjusted as necessary.

The owner’s manual will recommend the correct tire pressure for your vehicle, which can vary depending on the model and style of tire. When you purchase new tires, they should be inflated to the recommended pressure in accordance with these instructions. The tires should be changed every 5 years or sooner if they have more than 6/32″ of tread remaining (if you don’t know how much that is, look at this video). You should also rotate your tires every 5,000 miles so that all four wear evenly throughout their lifetime–this helps maximize their lifespan by keeping them from wearing down unevenly due to driving habits or road conditions like potholes or gravel roads. Finally, make sure you inspect them regularly for damage such as bulges in the sidewall; leaks may indicate a serious problem such as a nail puncture that requires immediate attention before it becomes dangerous!

Check and clean the air filter regularly.

  • Air filters are a vital part of your AFV, and they help to keep the engine running smoothly.
  • Check the air filter regularly, or at least every 3 months.
  • You can check it by removing it from its housing, shaking it gently and observing how much dust comes out of the filter (if any). If there is a lot of dust on the outside of your air filter then you know that it needs to be changed immediately!
  • Cleaning your AFV’s air filter is easy–just use warm water and dish soap with some elbow grease to scrub away all impurities from inside this important piece of equipment!

Change the oil and filter at regular intervals.

An oil and filter change is one of the easiest ways to keep your AFV running smoothly. The oil lubricates and cools the engine, while filters remove dirt, debris and other contaminants from the fuel system.

The recommended intervals for changing your vehicle’s oil and filter are listed in your owner’s manual, but most manufacturers recommend doing so every 3,000 to 7,000 miles (4500-11500 km).

Check tire pressure regularly.

Tire pressure is an important factor in the performance and longevity of your AFV. It’s also one of the easiest things to check, so if you haven’t been doing it regularly, now’s a good time to start.

Checking tire pressure should be done at least once a month and more often if you notice any changes in performance or handling from your vehicle–if it feels like something isn’t right with your car’s ride, check its tires first! The best way to do this is when both hot and cold: hot because that’s when most people drive their cars; and cold so that any leaks are easier to detect (and thus fix). You can also check them when they’re hot but not driven yet (for example: during warm weather or after taking them off), but remember that driving on underinflated tires can cause damage over time! Finally there’s another option: using an air gauge designed specifically for checking inflation levels via insertion into valve stems rather than squeezing into holes between treads like penny test method does…but we’ll get back into details later on those two methods later on…

Have your engine inspected regularly (at least once a year).

If you have an AFV, it’s important to have your engine inspected regularly (at least once a year). This is because alternative fuels can be more corrosive than traditional gasoline or diesel fuel, which means they may damage the engine over time.

If you notice any of the following symptoms during your annual inspection:

  • Excessive noise from the engine compartment when starting up or driving at low speeds
  • Increased oil consumption (more than 1 quart per 1,000 miles) and/or noticeable leaks under the hood where there shouldn’t be any oil leaking out at all

Replace fluids as required by the manufacturer’s recommended schedule (coolant, brake fluid, etc.).

Replacing fluids as required by the manufacturer’s recommended schedule (coolant, brake fluid, etc.) will help optimize the performance and longevity of your AFV. Check your owner’s manual for specific instructions on which fluids require changing and how often they should be replaced.

Check for low or dropped fluids before leaving for a trip or long trip.

Before you leave for a trip or long trip, it’s important to check the fluids in your AFV. The following are the most common fluids that need to be checked:

  • Oil
  • Coolant/Antifreeze
  • Transmission Fluid (Automatic Transmissions Only)
  • Brake Fluid
  • Power Steering Fluid

These tips will help keep your AFV running smoothly and safely!

  • Regularly schedule maintenance. You can’t count on the car to tell you when something needs fixing, so make sure to check the owner’s manual for recommended service intervals and take advantage of manufacturer-sponsored discounts on routine maintenance such as oil changes and tire rotations.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of trouble. If your AFV breaks down in a remote location or if it starts making unusual noises while driving, don’t hesitate to pull over immediately and call roadside assistance (or even 911 if it’s life-threatening). You may also want to consider bringing along extra tools–like jumper cables–in case they’re needed later on down the road!
  • Stay vigilant while driving so as not create any unnecessary wear-and-tear on your AFV by driving erratically or excessively fast; this will help ensure that everything stays safe both now and into future trips!


In conclusion, we hope that you have found this article useful. We know that alternative fuel vehicles are a great way to improve the environment and save money on fuel costs. By following our tips for maintaining your AFV, you can ensure that it lasts for years to come!