Fueling the Future: 3 Models That Might Save the World


The transportation sector has been a major source of carbon emissions for decades. But it’s possible that the future of travel could be clean and green. There are three emerging technologies that could put an end to this problem: electric cars, hydrogen fuel cells and autonomous vehicles.

Fueling the Future: 3 Models That Might Save the World

Electric Cars

Electric cars are more efficient. It’s not just that they don’t use gasoline; they also have fewer parts, which means less energy is required to make an electric car.

Electric cars are cheaper to maintain. The average cost of maintenance for an electric vehicle is $170 per year compared with $1,000 for comparable hybrid vehicles and $2,500 for non-hybrid gas-powered cars.

Electric vehicles are environmentally friendly because they don’t emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants into the air when they run on electricity instead of gasoline–and they don’t require any new fossil fuels to be mined or refined into synthetic fuel like hydrogen (although there may be environmental consequences associated with generating this type of power).

Electric vehicle batteries can last five years or more before needing replacement; this makes them much more reliable than internal combustion engines (which require regular oil changes) and will save you money over time as well!

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells are an exciting technology that could be a game-changer for clean energy. They’re more efficient than internal combustion engines, and they don’t produce any greenhouse gases or pollution. They use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, so they can power cars, homes and more.

There’s just one problem: hydrogen fuel cells cost more than electric cars right now. But if we can reach what experts call “grid parity”–when the price of producing electricity by means other than burning fossil fuels is equal to or lower than its cost from the grid–then we’ll see widespread adoption of this technology across industries around the world

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are the future of transportation. They have the potential to reduce congestion, pollution, and accidents. In fact, a study from Stanford University found that AVs could save lives by eliminating 94{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} of fatal car crashes.

AVs could help people who struggle with driving because they are safer than human drivers: there will be fewer accidents if all cars on the road are autonomous; people will be able to focus on other things when they’re driving instead of concentrating on keeping themselves safe; and they can take advantage of features like self-parking or automatic braking when needed (which no human driver would ever do).

The future of transportation is looking bright.

It’s a bright future for transportation. We’ve seen the rise and fall of the electric car, but now that it’s back on top, there’s no telling how far it can go. Fuel cell technology is taking off in a big way, too–hydrogen fuel cells are becoming more efficient and cost-effective by the day. Autonomous vehicles are getting smarter every year, with companies like Waymo leading the way in driverless tech. And even traditional fossil fuels have been given an upgrade: diesel engines have been replaced by biodiesel options that emit less pollution while still providing plenty of horsepower when you need them most (and they don’t require any special modifications).

The costs associated with alternative fuel vehicles are also dropping significantly over time; electric cars used to cost thousands more than their gas-powered counterparts but now they’re often only slightly more expensive than their conventional counterparts or even cheaper (depending on where you live). Because these technologies tend to get better every year rather than worse like most consumer goods do after being mass produced for decades on end -there’s no reason why we shouldn’t expect even lower prices in future years!


As we’ve seen, there are a number of ways to power our vehicles of the future. While none of them are perfect, we can be confident that they will get better over time as engineers continue to innovate and improve upon existing ideas. We may not have flying cars yet (or even self-driving ones), but it’s still exciting to think about what lies ahead for our transportation system!