Efficiency On The Road: Improving Your Electric Vehicle Performance


Electric vehicles (EVs) are about to become a lot more popular. The Chevy Bolt, Tesla Model 3 and Nissan Leaf have all seen huge interest among consumers who want to save money on fuel and cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. But these aren’t just cars; they’re also computers that need maintenance. And if you don’t take care of them properly, your EV can perform poorly or even stop working altogether. Here’s how you can keep your new electric vehicle running smoothly:

Efficiency On The Road: Improving Your Electric Vehicle Performance

Choosing the Right Car

Choosing the right car is important if you want to get the most out of your electric vehicle performance.

Electric cars are cheaper to run, more environmentally friendly and better for the environment than their traditional counterparts. They’re also safer for drivers and passengers alike – because there are no moving parts inside an electric motor (such as pistons or gears), they don’t require maintenance or repair like traditional engines do.

Charging Your Battery

You should be charging your battery frequently, especially if you’re on a long road trip. There are three different types of chargers that can be used to recharge an electric vehicle:

  • Fast chargers can charge your car to 80{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} full in 20 minutes or less, but they’re usually only located at gas stations or other public locations. This means that if you want to use one, you’ll have to pay for the privilege–and probably wait in line behind other people who also want fast charging. Not ideal!
  • Slow chargers are much cheaper than fast ones (they cost about $600), but they take twice as long (40 minutes) and don’t give as much power per hour spent charging. They’re great if all you need is an emergency boost after running out of juice on the highway; otherwise, stick with level 1 or 2 options instead!

Driving Techniques

  • Avoid quick acceleration and deceleration.
  • Keep your car in the highest gear possible.
  • Avoid driving in the city, where you’ll have to stop at intersections and deal with traffic lights.
  • Don’t take long trips–keep your electric vehicle’s battery charged up by avoiding long drives (especially in cold weather). If you’re going on a road trip, make sure to charge up at every opportunity so that you don’t run out of juice halfway through your journey!
  • Avoid driving on rough roads; this will wear out the tires faster than normal driving conditions would, which can lead to premature tire wear and even blowouts if not taken care of properly by an experienced mechanic like [insert name here] at [insert address here].

Replace Your Tires

In addition to the regular maintenance you should be doing on your vehicle, there are a few other things you can do to improve its performance. For example, tires are a very important part of an electric car’s efficiency and performance. To ensure that they’re in good condition:

  • Check tire pressure regularly (it should be between 32psi and 42psi).
  • Check tire wear regularly by looking at the tread depth – if it’s less than 4/32nds of an inch deep, it’s time for new tires!
  • Make sure that your alignment is set up correctly by visiting an auto shop once per year or so; this will help reduce wear from uneven surfaces like potholes or curbs which can cause serious damage over time if left unchecked!

Electric vehicles need to be maintained properly for them to perform well.

Electric vehicles need to be maintained properly for them to perform well.

Electric vehicles are more efficient than gasoline-powered cars, but they also require more maintenance and care than their gas-guzzling counterparts. For example, EVs use electric motors instead of internal combustion engines as a source of power, which means that an electric vehicle’s battery is its most important component–and it needs regular charging in order to keep working properly!

When you drive your electric car hard over long distances (or even short ones), you risk damaging the life expectancy of your battery pack and reducing its overall efficiency at storing energy from the grid or solar panels into usable electricity when needed later down the road.


The good news is that there are many ways to improve your electric vehicle performance. By taking care of the battery and tires, as well as learning how best to drive an EV, you can ensure that your car runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come.