9 Ways To Get Better Mileage And Performance From Your EV


Electric vehicles (EVs) are growing in popularity, as more people realize that they’re an efficient and environmentally friendly way to get around. But like all cars and trucks, your car’s mileage and performance can vary. If you’re driving an electric vehicle (EV), you may have noticed that, like all cars and trucks, your car’s mileage and performance can vary. Here are some tips for how to get the most out of your EV:

9 Ways To Get Better Mileage And Performance From Your EV

If you’re driving an electric vehicle (EV), you may have noticed that, like all cars and trucks, your car’s mileage and performance can vary.

If you’re driving an electric vehicle (EV), you may have noticed that, like all cars and trucks, your car’s mileage and performance can vary. In fact, EVs are more efficient than gas-powered vehicles because they use less energy to go the same distance. However, there are conditions that affect how much energy is used by your EV:

  • City driving vs highway driving: EVs are more efficient in city driving than on highways because they don’t need as much power to accelerate from a stop or to climb hills as fast as other types of cars do. On top of that, many cities have special charging stations called DC fast chargers which charge up an EV faster than other chargers available today!
  • Warm weather vs cold weather: When temperatures are above freezing point (-18 degrees Celsius), battery performance decreases due to reduced battery capacity caused by increased thermal stress on internal components such as cells and modules within the pack itself.”

How do you get the most out of your EV? Follow these tips for how to get better mileage and performance from your EV.

  • Use the right gear
  • Accelerate smoothly
  • Use cruise control
  • Check tire pressure regularly and keep tires aligned, especially if you have a heavy load in your vehicle, such as a trailer or camper. This will help get the most out of your EV’s performance by making sure it doesn’t lose traction and slip on wet roads or snowy surfaces (which could cause accidents). Also check for any damage to the wheel rim before taking off so that you don’t risk punctures from debris on the road surface–an expensive repair!
  • Keep your battery charged frequently; this is especially important if you live somewhere with cold winters where you might use heaters more often than those in warmer climates do

Drive at the proper speed in your particular vehicle.

The most important thing you can do to get better mileage and performance from your EV is to drive at the proper speed. If you’re driving too fast, the car will use more energy to move forward than if it were going slower, so try not to accelerate or brake too quickly. The same applies for going over or under the speed limit–if you go too fast for conditions (like bad weather), then this will also decrease efficiency of your vehicle’s battery system.

Lastly, don’t drive too slow! If you find yourself creeping along in traffic jams or crawling up hills at a snail’s pace, chances are good that this will just waste precious battery life without making up any time on your trip overall.

Accelerate and decelerate smoothly, without abruptly jerking the accelerator or brake pedal.

Accelerate and decelerate smoothly, without abruptly jerking the accelerator or brake pedal.

The engine in an EV is designed to run at a constant speed when you’re driving on flat ground. When you accelerate, the motor has to work harder to get you up to speed; when you slow down, it doesn’t have as much work left to do, so it slows down too quickly. This causes a lot of strain on your vehicle’s components and reduces efficiency over time–so try not to accelerate too quickly!

Likewise with braking: apply pressure gradually while maintaining a steady speed until you come to a complete stop (or as close as possible). If possible try not using either pedal at all; coasting in neutral uses less energy than driving with no power output from any wheels (which means more efficient driving).

Use the cruise control when possible.

Cruise control is a great way to maintain a consistent speed. It’s especially useful for long journeys, as it reduces stress and fatigue. Cruise control can also help you maintain a consistent speed when driving downhill, uphill or on windy roads.

Check tire pressure regularly.

Tire pressure is a major factor in fuel efficiency, so it’s important to check your tires once a month. Check your tires when they’re cold–not hot or warm–and use a gauge to ensure you’re within the manufacturer’s recommended range for pressure.

Keep your tires properly aligned.

  • Proper alignment ensures that your tires have the best possible contact with the road, which results in better gas mileage and performance.
  • Tires should be balanced at least once a year to ensure even wear, which can also help improve your car’s performance by distributing weight evenly across all four wheels.
  • Rotation is necessary because tires wear differently on different parts of their treads–so if you don’t rotate them, you’ll end up with more bald spots than if they were rotated regularly!
  • When replacing worn-out or damaged tires, be sure to choose ones made for electric vehicles (EVs). These will have better traction than standard ones do–and they’re usually way cheaper too!

Keep your battery charged at full capacity for best performance.

One of the most important parts of EV maintenance is keeping your battery charged at full capacity. This will help your car perform better, as well as extending its lifespan and saving you money on electricity.

If you’re not sure how to know if your battery is fully charged, there are a couple of ways to check. First, look for an indicator light on the dashboard or display screen that tells you if it’s fully charged or needs more time in order to reach 100{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} capacity (or 80{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885}). Another option is checking with an app like ChargePoint or PlugShare; these apps show users where they can find charging stations nearby so they can plug-in when needed!

Turn off excess dashboard accessories such as GPS, Bluetooth or voice commands unless you’re using them; they draw power from the battery as well and can reduce efficiency. Link to article on this topic

While you’re driving, try turning off as many accessories as possible. This includes the radio, climate control and headlights. Even if your EV has a powertrain that includes an internal combustion engine (ICE), it still benefits from reduced drag on the highway because less energy is required to move forward at higher speeds.

The same goes for fog lights and wipers: these draw additional power from the battery pack, which can reduce efficiency by up to 10 percent in some cases! If it’s raining out and visibility is poor anyway, there’s no need for either one–just turn them off until conditions improve again.


The best way to get the most out of your EV is to follow these tips. By driving at the proper speed, accelerating and decelerating smoothly and using cruise control when possible, you can ensure that your car is running as efficiently as possible. Also, check tire pressure regularly so that your tires don’t lose traction or wear down faster than normal due to uneven inflation levels on different sides of each wheel (this happens more often than most people think). Finally, keep an eye on battery levels by charging regularly at home or taking advantage of public charging stations if needed!