With The Release Of The Harley Davidson Livewire Electric Motorcycle, What Is The Future Of High Performance


Harley Davidson is one of the oldest and most respected motorcycle manufacturers in the world. The company was founded in 1903 by William Harley and Arthur Davidson, who built their first motorcycle together in a shed on their property. The first model they produced was nicknamed “The Harley-Davidson” because it was so loud that they could only ride it when no one was home! Since then, Harley has been producing motorcycles for over 100 years and has become synonymous with American culture around the world.

In recent years though, Harley Davidson has fallen on hard times due to declining sales and market share to other companies such as Ducati and Triumph. However, just recently they have released three new electric models which are proving themselves quite popular among consumers—including myself! I decided to take one home with me recently so we could see how well it performs under real-world conditions…”

With The Release Of The Harley Davidson Livewire Electric Motorcycle, What Is The Future Of High Performance

The Harley Davidson Livewire Electric Motorcycle has been a success for the company.

Over the last decade, Harley Davidson has been struggling to appeal to a younger audience. The Livewire is their first attempt at an electric motorcycle and it has been well received by the motorcycle community. However, it has also come under fire for being expensive and having limited range. The company plans on releasing more models over time that will hopefully address these concerns but in general, this is an exciting new direction for them!

Harley Davidson has released three new electric models.

Harley Davidson has released three new electric models. The Livewire, the Livewire S and the Street Rod. All three have a range of 150 miles on a single charge and can be recharged in just over an hour. The Livewire has been priced at $29,799 while its bigger brother (the Livewire S) retails for $32,999. Both bikes come with leather seats and handlebars as well as a charging port located under their seats so you can plug in your phone while riding!

The Street Rod is another beast altogether – it’s an all-electric motorcycle that looks like something out of Mad Max or Tron! This thing will cost you around $40k but boy does it look good!

Harley Davidson has been losing market share to other companies.

If you’re a Harley Davidson fan, you may have noticed that the company has been losing market share to other companies. This is because they don’t offer any electric motorcycles and their traditional ones aren’t doing well in a changing world.

Harley Davidson has been losing market share for several years now and it’s not just because of this one new bike coming out–it’s also because they’re failing to adapt to changing consumer demands. In fact, Harley Davidson is the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world with over $5 billion USD in revenue annually; however, their sales have been steadily declining since 2013 when they reached nearly 200 million units sold worldwide!

Many Harley Davidson customers are aging and the company is trying to attract younger buyers.

Harley Davidson is trying to attract younger buyers with its Livewire electric motorcycle. In fact, it’s been losing market share to other companies that have been releasing new models at a faster rate than Harley Davidson.

In order to retain customers and keep them loyal, the company has released three new electric models: the Livewire, Project LiveWire and Dark Custom Tri Glide Ultra Limited Low Rider Special Edition (with some bells and whistles). The Livewire is an expensive bike–it costs $29k!

Although the Livewire is an expensive bike, it has been well-received by the motorcycle community at large.

Although the Livewire is an expensive bike, it has been well-received by the motorcycle community at large. The Livewire has been well-received by the motorcycle community at large.

The performance of the Livewire may be a disappointment to some riders who were hoping for more than 150 miles on a single charge.

The Livewire is powered by two electric motors, which combine to produce 67 horsepower and 107 pound-feet of torque. That’s about half of what you’d find in a Tesla Model S sedan, but it still makes the Livewire very capable on the road. The bike can go from 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds and reach a top speed of 150 mph–which is plenty fast for most people.

The Livewire also weighs 450 pounds more than an average Harley Davidson cruiser (about 1,500 pounds), so don’t expect it to perform like any other motorcycle on the market today–it’s much more comparable with other electric vehicles like scooters or mopeds than anything else we’ve seen so far!

Some riders have complained that if they want more range, they’ll need to buy an accessory pack which includes a bigger lithium-ion battery pack and an external charger that can charge the battery in less than an hour!

But let’s be honest, the Harley Davidson Livewire electric motorcycle is not cheap. The base price of $29,999 doesn’t include any accessories or tax and licensing fees. You also have to buy a battery pack if you want more range than what comes with the standard model. The larger lithium-ion battery pack costs $2,499 on its own or can be purchased in an accessory pack with an external charger that can charge the bike’s battery in less than an hour by plugging it into an outlet (and no longer than 3 hours with a 240V outlet).

The larger battery adds significant weight to the bike–about 50 pounds–and takes up valuable space within its frame that could otherwise be used for storage space instead of carrying around extra weight all day long!

Although there are some complaints about performance and price, this bike was very successful in its first year of production!

With a price tag of $29,999 and an electric motor that produces 74 horsepower, this bike was well received by the motorcycle community at large. However, Harley Davidson’s core customers were not so impressed with its performance or price point. The Livewire has a range of 150 miles on a single charge and does not have quick charging options available yet (although they are coming soon).


We’re excited to see what comes next from Harley Davidson and other companies who are trying to make electric motorcycles more mainstream. We think it’s great that there are now three different models available for people who want an electric bike but don’t want something as bulky or expensive as an EV car! Hopefully this trend will continue so that someday soon all riders will be able to enjoy the beauty of our nation’s highways on zero emission vehicles.