Why You Need to Know The Car’s Engine Components


When you’re driving, your engine is the center of everything. It’s what gets you from point A to point B, and it’s what keeps the interior of your car nice and cool on hot days. But as important as an engine is to a car, most people don’t know much about how it works—especially when things go wrong with one! In order to get yourself out of trouble (and save money) if one of your car’s most important components breaks down, we’ve put together this handy guide on why each part matters:

Why You Need to Know The Car’s Engine Components


The piston is a metal cylinder that slides up and down in the cylinder block. It forms one side of your engine’s cylinders and is connected to the crankshaft by a connecting rod. The other side of each cylinder is called its “bore,” while the top portion is known as its “head,” which houses valves, spark plugs and more.

The piston fits snugly inside its bore so that it can move freely up-and-down inside it during operation (in conjunction with other moving parts). When you depress your accelerator pedal or press down on your brake pedal while driving, this causes air pressure within your combustion chamber(s) to increase; this results in increased force on each individual piston because more air molecules are now pushing against them than before.*

Cylinder Block

The cylinder block is the main part of an engine, and it’s what all other parts are attached to. The cylinder block houses all of your car’s pistons, valves and cylinders inside it. It also provides structural support for all those moving parts so they can work as efficiently as possible.

The cylinder block includes several holes that allow oil to flow through it and into other vital components in order to keep them lubricated during operation. These holes are called “passages” or “bores”. They’re necessary because if they weren’t there, then your car would be full of gunk after just one trip around town!


The crankshaft is the main rotating part of your engine. It’s connected to the flywheel and pistons, and it’s also responsible for connecting the piston rods to the flywheel. The crankshaft is driven by its own bearings (which are housed in its main bearing), which means that it spins independently from other parts of an engine.

The main function of this component is to convert linear energy into rotational energy, but there are several other things that make it unique as well:

  • It has an uneven number of journals (the holes where bearings sit) so that each journal bears only one load at any given moment in time; this reduces stress on each journal equally over time so they don’t wear out too quickly or break down completely due to uneven stress across all journals at once; this means less maintenance costs overall!

Torque Converter

Torque converter is a gearbox that changes the speed ratio between the engine and transmission. It is also called a transaxle, because it has two main functions: it connects to both the engine and transmission, and it serves as a torque converter. The torque converter sits between your car’s transmission (gearbox) and driveshaft, which connects to its rear axle.

The purpose of this device is to increase efficiency by reducing losses in power loss when changing gears–and it does so by storing energy from one rotation of one component against another component’s rotational speed difference during shifts between gears in order to make them smoother as well!


Camshafts are used to open and close the valves. They’re also responsible for determining when each valve opens and closes, as well as how long it stays open. There are two camshafts, one for each bank of cylinders, which are driven by the crankshaft (a part of your engine that turns). The cams themselves rotate around their axis at a specific rate based on how much power you want out of your car–the faster they spin, the more horsepower you will get from your vehicle.

The cam lobe is what opens up each valve during its cycle; this lobe interacts with lifters (small pieces inside) when they reach their top position so that they stay there until another lobe pushes them back down again after completing its cycle on another cylinder’s valves..

Injectors (and Fuel Rail)

Injectors are the part of the fuel system that delivers fuel to each cylinder in your engine. They’re controlled by an ECU (electronic control unit) and can be found inside of each cylinder head. In addition to delivering fuel, they also control how much air enters into each cylinder during combustion events.

Fuel rails are another component of your car’s fuel system and are connected directly to injectors so they can deliver their contents under pressure at high speeds without spilling out or leaking into places where they shouldn’t be–like onto hot exhaust headers!

Distributor and Spark Plugs

The distributor and spark plugs are essential to the engine’s performance. The distributor is responsible for sending a signal to each cylinder in turn, telling it when to fire up so that it can light up its fuel and create combustion. Sparks from the spark plugs ignite that fuel and create power.

Spark plugs are easy to replace and should be replaced at regular intervals (every 30-50k miles). They’re also cheap–you can buy them online or at an auto parts store for under $10 each!

The reason why you need to know about these components is because they’re critical in providing power for your car’s engine, which makes driving possible! If one breaks down or stops working correctly then it could cause serious problems with how well your vehicle runs overall as well as increase risk of other issues happening down line due lack lack proper function of these systems working together effectively.”

Water Pump, Alternator and Air Conditioning Compressor (if so equipped)

Water Pump, Alternator and Air Conditioning Compressor (if so equipped):

A water pump is an engine component that pumps coolant through the engine during operation. It circulates the coolant to keep it at a constant temperature and also helps remove heat from the engine block by circulating heated coolant through a radiator or heater core. The alternator is an electrical device that produces alternating current (AC) electricity by using a permanent magnet and field coil system. Alternators are used to charge car batteries when they’re not being powered by their own internal combustion engines; they can also be used in conjunction with solar panels to power electric cars on sunny days! An air conditioning compressor compresses refrigerant gas into a liquid form so it can be stored in a refrigeration unit until needed later on down the road when temperatures start climbing up high enough again for your comfort zone needs


Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the basic parts of a car’s engine. You may not have known some of these terms before, but now that you do, you can become an expert in no time.