What’s the most promising alternative energy source?


The world needs more and better sources of clean energy. The current top contenders are wind and solar power, but there’s another option that could be even better: fuel cells. Fuel cells combine hydrogen fuels with oxygen to create electricity in a very efficient way—and they’re also cleaner than most other types of power generation. They don’t emit any greenhouse gases into the atmosphere or produce any waste products like coal plants do when they burn fossil fuels to create steam power for turbines. Fuel cells could provide us with lots of clean, pollution-free electricity for decades if we invest in their development now. But there’s just one catch: right now these devices are expensive because they require rare metals like platinum or iridium (which are used as catalysts inside them).

What’s the most promising alternative energy source?

The most promising alternative energy source is fuel cells.

The most promising alternative energy source is fuel cells. Fuel cells combine oxygen and hydrogen fuels to create electricity, and they can be small enough to power a computer or large enough to power a city’s buses and trains. Most importantly, fuel cells are clean, efficient, and cost-effective: they don’t produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants that harm the environment; they convert more than 80 percent of their chemical energy into electricity; and they’re cheap compared with other technologies like solar panels or wind turbines (which require expensive materials).

Fuel cells are clean, efficient, and cost-effective.

Fuel cells are a clean, efficient, and cost-effective alternative energy source. They produce no emissions and can be used in many places because they’re small.

Fuel cells use hydrogen to create electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen. The only byproducts are water vapor and heat; there’s no combustion involved like in fossil fuel-powered cars or coal-fired power plants (which emit carbon dioxide). Because fuel cell technology is still relatively new, it hasn’t been mass produced yet–but if you look at how much money has been invested into developing technologies like this one over the past few decades, it seems likely that we’ll see them become more common soon enough!

They combine oxygen and hydrogen fuels to create electricity.

Hydrogen fuel cells are a promising alternative energy source. They combine oxygen and hydrogen fuels to create electricity, which can be used to power vehicles, homes and even entire cities.

Fuel cells have been around for some time now; NASA used them during the Apollo program. But research into this technology has increased in recent years due to its potential applications for clean energy production on Earth as well as space travel missions that don’t require large amounts of rocket fuel (which is expensive).

Fuel cells can be small enough to power a computer or large enough to power a city’s buses and trains.

Fuel cells are an alternative energy source that can be used in many different ways. They’re used in cars, buses and trains to power the vehicles’ electrical systems. Fuel cells are also being used to power homes and businesses. And they’re being used on satellites and space stations as well as Earth-bound devices like laptops and cell phones.

The biggest problem with fuel cells is that they’re expensive right now.

The most promising alternative energy source is fuel cells. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy, which can then be used to power a wide variety of devices. They’re typically used in place of batteries because they don’t require recharging and don’t degrade over time the way batteries do.

The biggest problem with fuel cells right now is their cost: they’re prohibitively expensive for most people to buy or install in their homes. But as production methods improve, costs will drop and make it easier for you to use this alternative energy source at home!

To solve this problem, scientists are working on cheaper materials and more efficient designs for fuel cells.

Scientists are working on cheaper materials and more efficient designs for fuel cells.

The problem with platinum and palladium is that they’re expensive, so scientists have been looking at other options such as nickel-based catalysts. There are also ways you can make your fuel cell more efficient: by creating a system where the gases enter through two separate channels at different temperatures, for example, or by using microparticles of metal oxide instead of bulk metals like platinum or palladium (which would increase efficiency).

Fuel cell technology has great potential but needs to get cheaper before it can really take off.

Fuel cells are an exciting alternative energy source. They’re clean, efficient and cost-effective. But they’re not quite ready for widespread use.

Fuel cells work by using a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity with water as the only emission. This means they don’t produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants like fossil fuel power plants do–and they’re much more efficient than solar panels or wind turbines at converting sunlight into electricity (though not quite as good as nuclear reactors).

They’ve been around since the early 1800s but didn’t become practical until researchers figured out how to make them more efficient by using solid metals instead of liquid ones in 1999; they were first used commercially in vehicles around 2003; today there are over 2 million fuel cell cars on roads worldwide!


If you’re looking to invest in the future of energy, fuel cells are an excellent choice. They have great potential and they’re already being used today. But they’ll need to get cheaper before they can really take off.