What You Need To Know About Safe Autonomous Vehicles


Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have made their way into the mainstream, despite being surrounded by controversy. In fact, you may even be able to find an autonomous vehicle near you! While these cars and trucks may seem like they belong on the set of Minority Report, it’s important to know what exactly makes them so safe—and if that safety will actually hold up in reality. Are AVs really safer than human drivers? Is there a level of autonomy that’s best for everyone? The short answer is yes: As we move into the future, autonomous vehicles have the potential to make our roads safer than ever before.

What You Need To Know About Safe Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are here, despite the many questions surrounding their safety.

You may have heard of the concept of autonomous vehicles (AVs), or self-driving cars. They’re here, despite the many questions surrounding their safety.

There are many benefits to AVs: reduced traffic fatalities, increased mobility for people with disabilities, and improved efficiency for public transportation systems. But there are also risks–and we need to understand them before we can make informed decisions about whether or not this technology is right for us as a society.

AVs are safer than human drivers because they don’t get distracted or drunk behind the wheel; they don’t get road rage; they won’t fall asleep at 3am after working two shifts straight without sleep; they can’t be coerced into committing crimes by criminals who threaten harm against family members…the list goes on! However…

What is an autonomous car?

An autonomous vehicle (AV) is a car that can drive itself. It’s not quite as simple as it sounds, though–there are different levels of automation that go into making an AV.

There are five levels of automation:

  • Level 0 – No automation, human driver controls everything
  • Level 1 – Driver aids like cruise control or lane keeping assist (LKA) take over some tasks but require human intervention in emergency situations or when conditions change unexpectedly
  • Level 2 – LKA takes over all aspects of driving except braking and steering on limited access highways where there are no pedestrians or other vehicles around
  • Level 3 – LKA takes control in most situations except when unusual circumstances arise (like rainstorms), at which point they alert passengers that they need to step in immediately if they want to retain control over their own destiny

How does an autonomous car work?

Autonomous vehicles use a combination of sensors, cameras and radar to detect obstacles and other vehicles. These include:

  • Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems, which use laser pulses to map the surrounding environment in 3D;
  • Radar technology that uses radio waves to detect objects;
  • Ultrasonic sensors that measure the distance between an AV and nearby objects by emitting sound waves at different frequencies;

AVs also rely on algorithms–or mathematical procedures that can be used by computers–to determine the best way through traffic safely while avoiding collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians.

Are there different levels of autonomous driving?

There are five levels of autonomy, ranging from zero to four. The more tasks a vehicle can perform without human intervention, the higher its level of autonomy.

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has defined these levels as follows:

  • Level 0 – No Automation: The driver must be in full control at all times and ready to take over at any moment. This means they must be able to monitor their surroundings and respond appropriately if needed.
  • Level 1 – Driver Assistance: At this stage, some elements are automated but not all; for example, adaptive cruise control or automatic braking might be included but lane assist isn’t yet available (this will change soon). In addition to monitoring surroundings and responding appropriately when necessary–as required with Level 0–the driver will also have some help from their car’s computer systems that assist with tasks like accelerating when you press down on your gas pedal or stopping when there’s an obstacle ahead before it reaches you.* * Level 2 – Partial Automation: At this stage there’s still some room left for human intervention because there may be scenarios where neither technology nor driver can handle things alone; for instance: if another car cuts into your lane without warning then neither technology nor driver would have time enough react appropriately before impact occurred.*

How much has AV technology advanced in recent years?

In recent years, AV technology has advanced to the point where it’s safer than human-driven cars.

AVs can react faster than human drivers, which means they avoid more dangerous situations and make fewer mistakes. They don’t get tired or distracted, they don’t panic under pressure and they don’t drive drunk or stoned (at least not yet). They also communicate with each other to avoid accidents–for example by sending signals when they plan on turning right at an intersection so that other cars know what’s coming next. Finally, AVs communicate with their environment through sensors that detect things like traffic lights, stop signs and pedestrians in front of them so that even if something unexpected happens during normal driving conditions there’s no need for panic mode because everything is under control from start to finish!

What are the benefits of AVs over human drivers?

While the benefits of AVs are well documented, there are some key areas where they can be especially beneficial.

  • Reduced accidents: While not all crashes are caused by human error, many of them are. And even if you’re a good driver and never cause an accident yourself, you’re still at risk of being involved in one–and that’s not just because other people make mistakes on the road. In fact, according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 94 percent of all fatal car accidents involve human drivers who made some kind of mistake behind the wheel (the rest were caused by factors like weather conditions). Autonomous vehicles don’t get tired or distracted; they follow traffic laws perfectly; they don’t drink or text while driving… You get it–they’re way safer than humans!
  • Less traffic congestion: Let’s face it: we live in a busy world where everyone needs somewhere else to go as quickly as possible–and sometimes this means sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic for hours on end with barely any movement at all. If autonomous cars become widespread enough for us all to switch over from driving ourselves around town instead using ride sharing apps like Lyft or Uber instead (which would likely require fewer cars being produced overall), then maybe we could start seeing less congestion overall since fewer people would need their own personal vehicle anymore!

Will AVs be safer than human-driven cars?

AVs will be safer than human-driven cars.

That’s because they are likely to be programmed to follow the rules of the road and communicate with each other, which could make them more predictable and less dangerous than human drivers.

While there are still kinks to work out before we can all safely travel in autonomous vehicles, these vehicles may ultimately provide a safer way to get from point A to point B.

While there are still kinks to work out before we can all safely travel in autonomous vehicles, these vehicles may ultimately provide a safer way to get from point A to point B. AVs are safer than human drivers because they can sense and react to their surroundings better than humans, communicate with each other to avoid accidents, and are being designed to make better decisions than humans.


We can’t predict what will happen in the future, but it’s clear that autonomous vehicles are here to stay. The technology is advancing rapidly and will soon be able to handle most driving situations on its own. While there are still kinks to work out before we can all safely travel in autonomous vehicles, these vehicles may ultimately provide a safer way to get from point A to point B.