What Car Engine Parts and Sizes Do I Need


You need to know the sizes of engine parts so that you can buy replacement parts or upgrade them.

What Car Engine Parts and Sizes Do I Need

Engine Block

The engine block is the main part of your car’s engine. It holds all of its parts and provides a structure for them to connect with each other. The shape of an engine block can vary depending on what type of vehicle it’s used for, but there are some commonalities:

  • Engine blocks are made either from cast iron or aluminum (though some newer cars use other materials).
  • They’re usually cast in one piece rather than welded together like most other parts of your car. This means they can’t be taken apart easily after they’re built–you’ll need to take it to a mechanic if you want them separated!


The crankshaft is the part of the engine that connects with your pistons, which in turn connect with your car’s wheels. It works as an axle for your car’s wheels, allowing them to move forward or backward depending on which direction you’re driving.

The most important thing to know about this part is that it’s usually made out of steel or iron and can be heavy if you have to lift it into place yourself (especially if you’re working alone). You should always make sure that when you replace yours, you do so with one that has been machined correctly: if not enough material has been removed around each hole–or if too much has been removed–your new crankshaft won’t fit correctly into place!

To check whether yours needs replacing or not: look down through where all four pistons meet together at their center point (also called “centerline”). If there are any cracks here then yes – definitely replace soon!


Pistons are the most important part of your engine. They’re what make it work, after all.

Pistons are usually made from aluminum, steel or cast iron and connect to the crankshaft by connecting rods. Pistons can be single, double or triple depending on how many strokes they make in one rotation of the crankshaft (single means one stroke per rotation; double means two strokes per rotation; triple means three).

Cylinder Head

The cylinder head is the component of your car engine that houses the valves and spark plugs. It also provides support for other components, such as camshafts and rocker arms. The cylinder head holds up to eight cylinders in place on top of your engine block, which you’ll need to remove before installing a new one.

The main parts of a cylinder head are:

  • Intake port–this is where air enters the combustion chamber during normal operation; it’s located at one end of each valve seat (see below).
  • Exhaust port–this is where spent gases exit from inside each cylinder during normal operation; it’s located at opposite end from intake ports within each valve seat (see below).
  • Valve seats–these circular depressions allow fuel mixture into combustion chambers while keeping exhaust gases out through their small openings called “ports” located near each end wall surface where they meet with other components such as valves or spark plugs


Camshafts are responsible for opening and closing the valves in your engine. The camshaft is located inside the cylinder head, and it’s connected to the crankshaft through a timing belt or chain. The camshaft has lobes that open and close valves when they pass over them, which allows air/fuel mixture into an engine’s cylinders so that combustion can occur.

Camshafts can be made of metal or plastic, depending on what kind of car you have:

Timing Chain or Belt and Gears

  • Timing Chain: A toothed belt, like the one you wear on your wrist. It’s used in most cars and trucks, but not all of them.
  • Timing Belt: Another type of toothed belt that works a little differently than a chain. It’s used in some cars and trucks, but not all of them (and not as often as timing chains).
  • Gears: Some engines use gears instead of chains or belts because they’re more reliable and easier to maintain–but also harder to replace if they break down! Gears are more expensive than chains or belts too!

You need to know the sizes of engine parts so that you can buy replacement parts or upgrade them.

You need to know the sizes of engine parts so that you can buy replacement parts or upgrade them.

In order for an engine to work correctly, all its parts must be in good condition and size. The following are some examples of engine parts:

  • Engine size and type – This is usually shown on an identification plate near your car’s radiator grill or on top of its hood (bonnet). It will tell you what type of fuel your vehicle uses and give other information about it too.
  • Engine part names – Some engines have many different parts but others may only have three or four major ones; these include: pistons, valves and camshafts (camshafts control how fast air enters into combustion chambers). You’ll need this information if you’re planning on doing any repairs yourself so make sure it’s easy enough for anyone else who might be working on your vehicle with access only via internet searches!


If you’re looking to buy a car, it’s important that you know what engine size and parts are compatible with your vehicle. If you’re not sure about the right size of crankshaft or camshafts for instance, it may be worth consulting an expert before committing yourself to buying one with the wrong specifications.