The Challenges of Electric Vehicle Charging Network


Electric vehicles are slowly becoming a more viable option for car buyers. However, there are still many challenges to overcome before electric cars become mainstream.

The Challenges of Electric Vehicle Charging Network

The electric vehicle charging network is still in its infancy.

The electric vehicle charging network is still in its infancy. There are currently only about 15,000 charging stations in the United States, and most of those are located near major cities or along interstate highways. That means if you want to drive your electric car from New York City to Los Angeles, you’ll have a hard time finding places along the way where you can recharge your battery pack before continuing on your journey.

Charging stations can also be expensive for businesses or municipalities that want to install them, since they require an investment of tens of thousands of dollars per unit and require maintenance costs over time (since they use electricity). Additionally, some people worry about “range anxiety”–the concern that their batteries won’t be able to hold enough charge when they’re far away from home base without access to one of these stations (or worse yet: stuck somewhere with no power at all).

The lack of infrastructure has resulted in range anxiety.

Range anxiety is a fear of running out of power. It’s a problem for drivers of electric vehicles, because there are not enough charging stations to cover the distance they need to travel.

Range anxiety isn’t an issue for gas-powered vehicles, because they have a much longer range than electric cars and can be refueled at any time. In fact, many people don’t even think about how far their cars will take them before they fill up with gas or diesel–they just pull over when needed and refuel as soon as possible so that they don’t run out in the middle of nowhere!

The charging infrastructure is expensive to build and maintain.

The cost of building a charging station is high. The most basic setup costs between $5,000 and $10,000, and that doesn’t include the price of electricity or maintenance. There are additional expenses as well:

  • Maintaining the power grid to deliver electricity to your home or business (which can be quite expensive)
  • Maintaining the electric vehicle itself (this includes replacing batteries when they wear out)

Currently, it takes longer to charge an electric vehicle than it does to fill up your gas tank.

Currently, it takes longer to charge an electric vehicle than it does to fill up your gas tank. The average EV battery can be fully charged in 8-10 hours using a Level 1 charger and 18-20 hours using a Level 2 charger.

A Level 3 charger (providing 250 kW or more) can charge an EV battery in as little as 30 minutes–but these chargers are still rare outside of major cities and require extensive infrastructure upgrades that most businesses aren’t willing to invest in at this point.

Another challenge to overcome is getting more people on board with the idea of electric vehicles.

Another challenge to overcome is getting more people on board with the idea of electric vehicles. Range anxiety has always been a concern for EV owners, and it’s one that can be addressed through education. With more charging stations being built every day and faster charging speeds coming down the pipeline, many consumers are becoming more comfortable with driving an EV.

However, cost is still an obstacle for some people who want to buy a car but don’t have access or cannot afford installation costs associated with installing home charging stations. The process of filling up an electric vehicle takes longer than filling up your gas tank so it’s important that you plan ahead before heading out on long trips where you might need extra power at some point during your journey – otherwise known as “range anxiety.”

To make electric cars mainstream we need a wider range of vehicles and more charging stations.

Electric vehicles are a promising alternative to their gas-powered counterparts. However, they still face several challenges that must be overcome if they are going to become mainstream.

The first challenge is the range of electric vehicles. Currently, most EVs can only travel about 200 miles on a single charge and that’s just not enough for some drivers’ needs. It also means that drivers will need to plan their trips carefully so they don’t run out of power before reaching their destination or charging station (if there is one). This problem will likely be solved soon as automakers continue developing longer-range batteries for electric cars; however, it may take years before these batteries become available in mass produced models at reasonable prices – which brings me to my next point: cost!


Overall, it’s clear that we still have a long way to go before electric vehicles are the norm. However, if you’re looking to buy one now, there are plenty of options that can get you from Point A to Point B while saving money on gas and maintenance costs. And if you’re thinking about purchasing an EV in the future? Keep an eye out for more charging stations as they start popping up around town!