The 10 Step Maintenance Guide For Your Alternative Fuel Vehicle


The following guide will help you keep your alternative fuel vehicle in great shape.

The 10 Step Maintenance Guide For Your Alternative Fuel Vehicle

Drive Your Vehicle

  • Drive your vehicle regularly.
  • Drive it at least every 2 weeks.
  • Drive it at least 10 miles per week.
  • Drive it at least once a month, or as much as you can fit into your schedule!

Keep Your Battery Charged

Your vehicle’s battery is a key part of its operation, and it should be charged regularly. If you don’t charge your vehicle’s battery, it may not be able to start the engine or power other components.

You can charge your vehicle’s battery at home or in public charging stations that are usually located near fueling stations. To do this, simply plug in an adapter cable into both ends of your car charger (one end goes into your car and the other plugs into an electrical outlet), then plug the charger itself into an electrical outlet. Most chargers take between four hours and 24 hours depending on how much power they need to fully recharge a depleted battery pack–you’ll know when charging has completed because there will no longer be any lights showing on either side where connectors meet together inside their housing unit (this also works with laptops!)

If you’re unsure whether or not it needs charging yet then look at how much capacity remains versus total capacity by pressing “View Battery Information” button located next time when starting engine or turning key off while driving – this shows percentage left over after driving distance travelled since last time driven so far today plus estimated range based upon current speed limits set within settings menu which defaults at 75mph unless changed manually using slider bar found beneath screen after pressing “Start Engine Button” next time too.”

Check Your Fuel Pumps, Lines And Hoses

Check your fuel lines and hoses for leaks.

  • Check the fuel filters
  • Check the fuel pumps that push gas through to each engine compartment, as well as the tank vent cap

Inspect For Leaks

  • Inspect the engine compartment and undercarriage for leaks.
  • Look for oil stains on the pavement, water dripping from hoses or other signs of moisture in places that shouldn’t be wet.
  • If you see any evidence of leaks, get them fixed immediately! You can also prevent future leaks by keeping your vehicle maintained regularly.

Test & Inspect The Air Filter

When you’re changing the air filter, inspect it for any damage or dirt. If there’s a lot of dust on the filter, it might be time for a replacement.

If you want to change your own air filter, follow these steps:

  • Remove the old one by pulling it off the vehicle’s intake tube and replacing it with a new one.
  • Make sure that there are no tears in either side of your new filter before installing it onto your car’s air box (or other intake source).

Test & Inspect The Fuel Tank Vent & Cap

The fuel tank vent is a small opening that allows air to enter the tank and prevent harmful gases from building up inside. The cap helps keep dirt and water out of your vehicle’s fuel system, so it’s important to make sure both are in good working order before you start driving.

Note: if you have an electric vehicle (EV), there won’t be any gas fumes to worry about!

Check Starting Fluids, Coolant Levels & Tire Pressure

  • Check coolant levels.
  • Check starting fluid levels.
  • Check tire pressure, which should be checked at least once a month and before driving in hot weather to prevent blowing out your tires. Tire pressure should also be checked when the tires are cold, before driving (the recommended temperature range for tire pressure is between 32 degrees F and 104 degrees F).

Change Engine Oil & Filter Regularly

Change engine oil and filter regularly.

A vehicle’s engine is a finely tuned machine, but it’s also one that can be damaged if you don’t care for it properly. Changing the oil regularly will help keep your engine running smoothly and efficiently by removing dirt and debris from inside the engine, as well as preventing corrosion in critical parts like camshafts or cylinder heads.

There are two types of oil you can purchase: conventional or synthetic (sometimes called synthetic blend). Conventional oils contain less expensive base stocks such as petroleum-based mineral oils; these tend to be thinner than their synthetic counterparts, which makes them easier for cars with older engines that have worn out seals or gaskets to absorb into those areas–but they don’t last as long before needing changing again! Synthetics are made up mostly of polyalphaolefins (PAOs), which provide better lubrication capabilities over time than conventional ones because they’re less susceptible to high temperatures caused by friction between moving parts within an engine block

With some regular maintenance of your alternative fuel vehicle, you can keep it in great shape for a long time!

If you’re the owner of an alternative fuel vehicle, it’s important that you keep up with regular maintenance. While these cars are typically more complicated than gas vehicles, they require less frequent repairs and can last for years if properly maintained.

If you want to make sure that your car stays in great shape for as long as possible, here are some tips:

  • Have a regular maintenance schedule
  • Get to know your mechanic well
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions


There you have it! A list of maintenance tasks that you can complete on your alternative fuel vehicle. You don’t need to do all 10 at once and in fact, it’s better if you don’t because some tasks require special tools or equipment that might not be available at home. We recommend starting small and working your way through each step as time allows.