Ten Things You Need To Know Before Charging an Electric Vehicle


Charging your electric vehicle may seem intimidating at first, but it’s actually pretty easy. Sure, there are a few things to keep in mind when you’re charging an EV for the first time, but once you’ve got everything set up and ready to go, all you have to do is plug in your car and wait for it to charge.

Ten Things You Need To Know Before Charging an Electric Vehicle

Charging at home is the best and most convenient way to charge your EV.

If you have an electric vehicle, charging at home is the best and most convenient way to charge your EV. You can charge your car overnight, so you don’t have to worry about running out of power during the day. The average homeowner spends only $1 per month for electricity used for charging an EV, according to EnergySage’s 2018 Home Charging Survey.

You may also be able to install a charger in your garage or driveway–or even get one installed by your utility company! Many states offer incentives for installing home chargers through rebate programs run by utilities or local governments; these rebates can cover up to 80{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} of installation costs (and sometimes more).

You can charge your EV at work, too.

Many employers are installing charging stations at their workplaces. Some companies offer free charging, while others charge for it. In some cases, employers will even pay for the electricity and installation of a charging station onsite.

If you’re lucky enough to work at one of these progressive companies, you can take advantage of their generous policies by plugging in your EV during breaks or lunchtime–it’s just another way that EVs are saving money!

There are different types of charging stations available.

The first thing you should know about charging an electric vehicle is that there are different types of charging stations available.

If you have a budget that allows for it, consider getting an EV with CHAdeMO or CCS quick-charging capability. These two technologies allow for fast charging at up to 80 kW (or about 100 miles per hour). Tesla Superchargers are another option if you’re willing to spend money on a Tesla; they can charge at up to 150 kW (about 200 miles per hour). You can also opt for level 2 chargers–which require 30 minutes per hour of charging time–or level 1 120V plugs in your garage or driveway if those options fit within your budget and lifestyle better than the other options listed above do.

You’ll need to know how many miles you can drive on a charge.

Now that you’ve decided to go electric, it’s time to figure out exactly how far you can drive on a charge. The average electric vehicle (EV) can go about 100 miles per charge, but some models have batteries with up to 300 miles of range.

Before buying an EV and charging station, make sure they’ll work together by checking out this handy guide on charging station compatibility from Plug In America: https://www.pluginamerica.org/resources/charging-station-compatibility

Electric vehicles tend to be more expensive than gas cars, but that’s changing as more companies enter the market.

Electric vehicles tend to be more expensive than gas cars, but that’s changing as more companies enter the market. The price of electric vehicles is expected to drop as more companies enter the market and technology improves.

Electric vehicles are also less expensive to maintain over their lifetime compared with traditional vehicles because they have fewer moving parts and don’t require oil changes or costly repairs like spark plugs or timing belts.

There are different ways to charge an electric vehicle, but some are better for your wallet or the environment than others.

There are different ways to charge an electric vehicle, but some are better for your wallet or the environment than others.

Plugging into a standard 120 volt outlet is the cheapest way to charge your vehicle. It’s also convenient because you can do it at home or work, but it can be expensive if you don’t have good solar power and/or need to use electricity during peak hours (like in the evening).

Charging at home through solar power is much cheaper than charging at work because there are no utility rates associated with using photovoltaic panels on your roof as long as they’re producing more energy than you need each day.

It takes some time for an EV battery to charge, so if you’re planning on driving long distances in one day, plan ahead and bring an adapter or extension cord so you can plug into pubic charging stations along the way.

If you’re planning to charge your EV at home, it’s best to use a dedicated wall outlet. You can plug into any 120 volt outlet with at least 20 Amp service (in case of power surge). There’s no need for an adapter or extension cord; just make sure that the outlet is free from any other appliances like lamps or televisions.

Charging times vary depending on how many miles per kilowatt hour your vehicle gets, but generally speaking it takes about four hours for most EVs to fully charge from empty batteries.

The standard 120 volt outlet plugs into a regular extension cord so you can use it anywhere you go without having to rent anything special or buy anything new. You need at least 20 Amp service to use this type of outlet safely (in case of power surge).

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So, there you have it: ten things you need to know before charging an electric vehicle. We hope that this guide has helped you learn more about this exciting new technology and understand how it can benefit your life. If you have any other questions about EVs or want more information on how they work, please contact us at [email protected].