Strategies for Alternative Fuel and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure


Alternative fuels, including electricity and hydrogen, will play a critical role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. However, the infrastructure needs to support these alternative fuel vehicles are significant. This article presents strategies for addressing the cost of and time for infrastructure.

Strategies for Alternative Fuel and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Addressing the Cost of Infrastructure

While the cost of infrastructure is a barrier to more electric vehicles, it’s also a barrier to hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

It’s important to note that the high cost of building out new fueling stations is not just a problem for electric cars. Alternative fuel vehicles like hydrogen fuel cell cars are dependent on similar infrastructure development–and these types of technologies can’t work without it.

Using Data and Technology to Improve the Cost of and Time for Infrastructure

  • Use data to improve planning, build infrastructure and make decisions.
  • Use data to improve maintenance of infrastructure.
  • Use data to improve the cost of infrastructure.

Strategic Planning and Interagency Coordination

Strategic planning and interagency coordination are important steps in the process of developing an alternative fuel and electric vehicle infrastructure. They allow you to identify gaps in your community’s current infrastructure, determine what resources are needed to address those gaps, and implement solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders.

To plan strategically:

  • Understand the problem you’re trying to solve by gathering information about existing conditions and identifying key stakeholders (e.g., community members).
  • Identify potential solutions based on what is known about current conditions, as well as input from key stakeholders who have differing interests or perspectives on how best to achieve goals that benefit everyone involved in this process. The goal here is not necessarily consensus but rather finding common ground between different groups’ needs so they can work together toward achieving shared objectives while also protecting each group’s interests at least as much as possible given their respective circumstances.”

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a critical component of any infrastructure project, and it can help you accomplish your goals in several ways. First, it makes the people who live near the infrastructure more likely to use it. This increases demand for electric vehicles or alternative fuel sources, which in turn makes them more attractive for businesses that want to invest in them. Second, community engagement can reduce costs by ensuring that everyone is on board with what’s happening and why–this means fewer lawsuits and disputes over permits later on down the line. Finally (and perhaps most importantly), community engagement builds trust between government officials and their constituents–something we need more than ever given recent events around elections and health care reform efforts nationwide!

If we can support more alternative fuel vehicles, we’ll reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Alternative fuels are a great way to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, which can help address climate change and air quality problems. Alternative fuels include electric vehicles (EVs), natural gas vehicles (NGVs) and propane autogas vehicles.

Electric vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions, so they’re an important part of the solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in California. Hydrogen fuel cell electric hybrid buses are also available in California but have not been widely adopted yet due to high costs and limited availability of refueling infrastructure.


We have an opportunity to make a significant impact by supporting the adoption of alternative fuel and electric vehicles. By understanding how these technologies work and what makes them attractive to consumers, we can create policies that will encourage more people to switch from gasoline-powered cars to ones that run on electricity or other alternative fuels. In addition, we need local governments at all levels working together on strategic planning so they can better coordinate efforts like infrastructure development and community engagement programs needed for success in meeting future transportation needs