Sharing A Ride Can Also Mean Sharing Your Busy Lifestyle


If you have a busy lifestyle and are looking for an easy way to get around, sharing a ride can be the best solution. When you’re sharing a ride, you’re also sharing your busy schedules with other passengers. This means that if you prefer to leave early, or if your destination is late at night when other people may be heading home from work, it’s no problem—just ask them if they mind getting there earlier than planned! And because RideGuru helps keep everyone safe during their ride by having a criminal background check performed on every driver who joins our platform (we call this “RideCheck”), all passengers know exactly who will be driving the car and where they are taking them before leaving home or work.

Sharing A Ride Can Also Mean Sharing Your Busy Lifestyle

Do you have a busy lifestyle and are looking for an easy way to get around?

If you’re a busy person who is looking for an easy way to get around, sharing a ride with someone else can be the perfect solution.

Do you have a busy lifestyle and are looking for an easy way to get around? Do you want to avoid traffic, save money and make new friends? If so, then check out our website!

We’re a new startup that allows people like yourself who need rides on occasion but don’t want to deal with traffic or pay high prices (or even own their own car) access what they need at an affordable rate.

When you’re sharing a ride, you’re also sharing your busy schedules with other passengers.

When you’re sharing a ride, you’re also sharing your busy schedules with other passengers.

You will have to coordinate with them and be ready for delays and changes in plans. This can be frustrating if it happens often or makes you late for work or school, but it can also be a good way to meet new people who live in the area–and maybe even become friends!

You can easily find a ride by using the RideGuru app on your phone.

You can easily find a ride by using the RideGuru app on your phone.

  • Download and create an account with the RideGuru app on your phone
  • Search for a ride from point A to point B, and book it in just a few taps!

You will always know who will be driving the car and where they are taking you.

When you share a ride, you will always know who will be driving the car and where they are taking you. This removes all of the uncertainty associated with taking taxis or ridesharing services like Uber or Lyft. You can trust that your driver has been background checked, has insurance in case anything happens while they are driving, and is following all traffic laws to keep everyone safe on the road.

While sharing a ride with someone else may seem like a big step for some people who prefer to travel alone or don’t know anyone else who lives near them, it actually eliminates many of the risks associated with other forms of transportation such as public transit systems (which require waiting at bus stops) or traditional taxis (where drivers often don’t have proper identification).

RideGuru helps keep everyone safe during their ride by having a criminal background check performed on every driver.

To ensure a safe ride for you and your friends, RideGuru performs a criminal background check on every driver. RideGuru does not tolerate any illegal activity by its drivers, and will remove them from the platform if they are found to be engaging in illegal activity.

You can also tell other passengers about you before they meet up with you in person, so they know what to expect when boarding your vehicle.

You can also tell other passengers about you before they meet up with you in person, so they know what to expect when boarding your vehicle.

  • Share your personal information with other passengers:
  • Share your location, schedule and preferences.
  • Also share contact information (email address or phone number) if you’d like the driver to contact you directly before picking up the rider(s). This is especially useful if there are multiple riders on board and someone needs extra time to get ready or is running late due to traffic conditions etc., as it helps prevent any confusion from happening during pick-ups/drop offs at different locations.

Sharing A Ride Can Also Mean Sharing Your Busy Lifestyle

Sharing a ride with others can be a great way to learn about their busy lifestyles. You can learn about their work and personal schedules, hobbies and interests, family and friends. Sharing your car with someone else allows you to get to know them better in the process of driving together. And it’s not just about learning about other people–you may also find yourself opening up about yourself in ways that wouldn’t have happened if you were by yourself!


As you can see, sharing a ride can be a great way to get around town and save money at the same time. You can even use the RideGuru app to find someone who shares your busy lifestyle, so that you both have similar schedules and know where each other are going when it comes time for your trip together.