Ride Sharing: Uber and Lyft Are Changing The Way We Travel


Ride sharing is a way of getting around that’s growing in popularity. It’s an alternative to driving yourself or taking public transportation, and it has the potential to save you money, too. Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are changing the way we travel, so it’s important to understand how they work. In this article, we’ll explore why ride sharing is quickly becoming the preferred method of traveling short distances—and how you can use these apps to your advantage!

Ride Sharing: Uber and Lyft Are Changing The Way We Travel

Uber and Lyft

Uber and Lyft are ride-sharing services that allow you to get a ride from people who are driving their own cars. The two companies work by connecting drivers with people who need rides, so it’s kind of like an online classifieds site for cars. They’re convenient, affordable and have been around for a while now.

In the beginning there were taxis–but now there are Uber and Lyft! These apps allow anyone with access to the internet (which is almost everyone) to find out where they can get picked up by someone else’s car without having to wait in line at a taxi stand or call one directly. You just open up either app on your phone at any time after signing up; then select your location; enter how many passengers there’ll be plus some other details about them (for example: “two women going home after work”); hit “request ride” button – voila!

Personal cars

Owning a personal car is expensive. The average cost of maintenance and repairs, insurance, gas and parking adds up to over $10,000 per year.

Personal cars are inefficient – they idle in driveways or parking lots most of the time while their owners are at work or at home sleeping. This wastes energy and pollutes our air with harmful emissions that contribute towards climate change.

Personal cars are bad for public health by increasing obesity rates through sedentary lifestyles (driving instead of walking). They also make our cities less safe as more people use them as transportation rather than public transit systems which can be crowded during peak hours but provide access around the clock so people don’t have to worry about getting stuck in traffic jams during non-peak hours like weekends or early mornings before work starts again after lunchtime breaks end around noonish depending on where you live!

Public transportation

Public transportation is an efficient way to travel in large cities. It reduces congestion on city streets, helps you get where you need to go, and can even save you money.

If you’re planning a trip that involves public transportation, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Be sure to check out local bus schedules before heading out so that there aren’t any unexpected delays along the way. You don’t want your day ruined by being late for work or missing an important meeting!
  • If there are multiple stops between yours and where you’re going, ask someone which one is closest so that no time is wasted looking for them after getting off at yours (or trying not too look like an idiot).

Ride sharing is going to make it easier to get around

Ride sharing is the future of travel. It’s a way to get around that’s affordable, convenient and environmentally friendly. Ride sharing offers people access to a vehicle when they need it–without having to own one themselves.


Ride sharing is a great way to get around, and it will only become more popular in the future. Ride sharing companies like Uber and Lyft make it easy for you to find a ride when you need one without having to worry about driving yourself or finding parking at your destination. They also give people who don’t own cars access to transportation options that were previously unavailable due to cost or location restrictions.