Meet The Teenager Who’s Driving Full Steam Ahead On Driverless Car Technology


Meet Nisaar Ahmed. At just 20 years old, he’s already making a name for himself in the tech world as one of the top minds in driverless car technology. He’s currently studying computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and plans to graduate by 2020. The young entrepreneur is also co-founder of AI and Robotics Innovations (AIRA), a company whose goal is to solve some of the world’s biggest problems using technology that can be used in autonomous vehicles and medical devices. In other words: he wants to make a difference using the skills he learned from his dad, who passed away when Ahmed was only 15 years old.”Computing for Good” is AIRA’s tagline—which makes sense given how much Ahmed values his father’s influence on him during his upbringing.”I’m not an engineer by education,” he told us during an interview at CES 2019 last week, where he showed off some of his latest prototypes including one called “Carly” which aims to drive itself while also serving as an intelligent assistant inside your vehicle.”My dad was always into technology,” said Ahmed with excitement in his voice when speaking about how they’d spend time together learning how things work together or even building something new out of scratch together.”It would be fun!”

Meet The Teenager Who’s Driving Full Steam Ahead On Driverless Car Technology

When Nisaar Ahmed was 15 years old, his father died unexpectedly.

In an interview with Forbes, Ahmed said the unexpected death of his father was a defining moment in his life. His father had worked as a software engineer and taught him how to code when he was just 5 years old. He encouraged his son to study computer science at university, where Ahmed would go on to graduate with honors before taking a job as an intern at Tesla Motors (the electric car company).

When Ahmed was 15 years old, however–the oldest of six siblings–his father died suddenly from heart complications while visiting family in Pakistan. This left Ahmed responsible for supporting his mother and siblings financially while studying full-time at university; luckily he managed both tasks admirably well by working part-time jobs during school hours while also keeping up his grades through online courses after hours (which allowed him enough free time for sports).

Soon after that, he started to become interested in technology and robotics, and began looking for a way to use his skills to help people in need.

Soon after that, he started to become interested in technology and robotics, and began looking for a way to use his skills to help people in need.

His father had died unexpectedly from an illness when he was just 10 years old. “He taught me how to code before I could even read,” says Liora with a smile on her face as she remembers her father’s passion for coding. “He was really into computers.”

Liora decided that she wanted to create robots that would be able to help those who needed assistance with everyday tasks like cooking or cleaning up around the house–something she thought would make her father proud if he were still alive today.

He also played competitive paintball, which taught him how to lead a team.

Along with playing paintball and learning about teamwork, he also participated in competitive robotics. Robotics is another activity that requires the ability to work with others, as well as taking orders from people who are older than you. The fact that he was able to do all of these things at such a young age shows that he has leadership skills and can adapt easily.

He learned about teamwork through his experiences playing paintball with his dad, where they would compete against other teams by shooting each other with plastic pellets filled with dye (this allowed them to see where everyone was). In order for them to win battles against teams that were bigger than theirs or had better equipment, they had to work together as one unit rather than acting individually like some soldiers might do during war times (which would be dangerous). This taught him how important it is for everyone on the same side – whether it be corporate employees working together towards common goals or nations fighting off invaders–to put aside their differences before acting out against each other because doing otherwise could lead into disasterous consequences such as losing money/property/lives etcetera..

Now 20 years old, Ahmed is at Carnegie Mellon University studying computer science, with plans to graduate by 2020.

Now 20 years old, Ahmed is at Carnegie Mellon University studying computer science, with plans to graduate by 2020. He hopes to solve some of the world’s biggest problems by developing technology that can be used in autonomous vehicles and medical devices.

While his career may seem like it started early, Nisaar said he has always been interested in technology–even before he could read or write! “My first memory of programming was when I was 5 years old,” he explained. “I remember sitting down with my dad at our kitchen table.”

He’s also the co-founder of a company called AI and Robotics Innovations (AIRA).

AIRA is a company that develops autonomous vehicle technology. The goal of AIRA is to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, including climate change and healthcare access.

The company is currently working on two projects: an autonomous car and medical devices that can be used to help people with disabilities. Their tagline? “Computing for Good.”

The company’s goal is to solve some of the world’s biggest problems by developing technology that can be used in autonomous vehicles and medical devices.

Nisaar Ahmed is a 20 year old computer science student. He’s also the co-founder of AI and Robotics Innovations (AIRA), an organization that seeks to solve some of the world’s biggest problems by developing technology that can be used in autonomous vehicles and medical devices.

Nisaar grew up watching his father work on his own startup, but it wasn’t until he started taking classes at school that he realized how much he loved coding. After spending time working with other startups, Nisaar decided there was more he could do: “I wanted to create something that would have a lasting impact on society.”

In addition to running his own company, Nisaar volunteers with several nonprofits where he teaches kids how to code through events like CodeDay Denver 2019 and Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program 2020!

The tagline for AIRA is “Computing for Good.”

AIRA is a nonprofit organization that aims to use technology for good. The tagline for AIRA is “Computing for Good.”

Why is this important? It’s because we have the power to make a difference, and it starts with understanding what makes our world better. We may not know all the answers or how exactly we can help people, but if we start asking questions about how technology can be used as an agent of change–and then act on those answers–we can find ways in which our work can benefit others around us.

Some examples of how you could use your skills as a programmer include helping refugees find shelter; developing new medical devices; creating apps that help people with disabilities communicate with each other; building security systems so companies don’t get hacked; making educational games designed specifically for children who suffer from autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) so they can learn at their own pace instead of being forced into traditional classrooms where teachers might not understand them well enough

Nisaar Ahmed wants to make a difference using the skills he learned from his dad

When Nisaar Ahmed was 15 years old, his father died. The man was a scientist who had a PhD in chemistry and worked at NASA. Nisaar’s love of science and technology stemmed from his admiration for his late father.

“He was the kind of person who would always make sure I understood what I was doing before he left me alone,” Nisaar says about his dad. “He never let me get bored.”

So when Nisaar got older, he decided to follow in his footsteps and study science at MIT where he earned degrees in computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering before launching into a career as an entrepreneur at Tesla Motors Inc., where he helped develop self-driving vehicle technology that could revolutionize how people get around cities like San Francisco (or even New York City).


We’re excited to see what the future holds for Nisaar Ahmed and his team at AIRA. The company has already been featured in several publications, including Forbes and Huffington Post, and they have some big plans for the future. But no matter what happens next, one thing is certain: Nisaar has already made a difference in this world by helping others through his own personal experience with loss.