Maintenance For Alternative Fuel Vehicles


If you’ve just switched over to an alternative fuel vehicle, you’re probably wondering how often you need to maintain it. After all, the last thing any driver wants is to end up stranded because of a broken-down car. Fortunately for you (and the planet), alternative fuel vehicles require less maintenance than traditional vehicles. This means that you can save yourself time and money by following these tips:

Maintenance For Alternative Fuel Vehicles

You still need regular maintenance, but not as often.

You still need regular maintenance, but not as often.

  • Change the oil and oil filter every 3,000 miles. If you’re using a conventional motor oil instead of a synthetic one (which is recommended), change it at least every 5,000 miles. Be sure to use an API-certified full-synthetic motor oil such as Mobil 1TM or CastrolTM Full Synthetic in your vehicle because they provide better protection against engine wear and heat than conventional petroleum based oils do.
  • Check the belts, hoses, battery etc., just like you would with any other car or truck that runs on gasoline–but don’t worry about replacing them unless they show signs of damage or wear after seven years of service! You’ll replace most parts eventually anyway when they wear out from normal use…but not until then!

Your fuel efficiency will change over time.

Fuel efficiency will fluctuate over time. How do you determine the fuel efficiency of your vehicle? The current EPA rating system uses miles per gallon (mpg) as its standard of measurement. To calculate the mpg of your vehicle, divide the distance traveled by how much fuel was used:

Example: You drove 50 miles on 10 gallons of gas = 5 mpg

The EPA estimates that a car with a 30-mpg rating will get about 28 mpg in real-world driving conditions–which means that if your car gets less than 27 mpg on average, it’s time for an upgrade!

Use the right fuel.

  • Use the right fuel.
  • What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable fuels? How can you find out what type of fuel your vehicle uses?

Keep your engine clean and tuned.

The maintenance on a clean and tuned alternative fuel vehicle is similar to that of a conventional car, but there are some differences.

  • Check the air filter for dirt and debris. If it’s dirty, replace it before any long trips.
  • Spark plugs should be replaced every 30-60k miles or as recommended by your manufacturer’s service schedule (usually every 100k miles).
  • Fuel filters should be replaced when they begin to show signs of wear–usually after 50k miles or so depending on how much you drive and where you drive (i.e., dusty areas will shorten their lifespan).
  • Oil changes should happen every 3 months or 3 thousand miles depending on how often you change your oil (this is usually done once per year). The type of oil you use depends on what kind of engine your vehicle has–check with your dealer if unsure which type is best for yours! They’ll also let you know when an engine flush is needed as well; this involves flushing old gunk out from inside each cylinder head in order keep things running smoothly over time without having too much build up inside them which could cause problems down the road later on down there again somewhere else again maybe sometime next week sometime soonish maybe not so much no matter how often we try…

Keep an eye out for leaks.

If you notice a leak, don’t ignore it. You may be able to fix the problem yourself, but if not–or if you don’t know how–take it to a mechanic immediately. If you can’t afford repairs right away and need more time before selling your vehicle or getting rid of it altogether, park it in an inconspicuous place where nobody will see the leak and get damaged by it (e.g., under bushes).

You need to maintain your alternative fuel vehicle, but you don’t have to do it as often or as thoroughly as you would a traditional fossil-fueled car

If you’re driving an alternative fuel vehicle, you need to maintain it. However, you don’t have to do as much maintenance as someone who drives a traditional fossil-fueled car.

Why? Because the engines in these vehicles are different from those in gas-guzzling cars and trucks. Alternative fuel vehicles run on electricity, hydrogen or some other type of energy source (such as biofuels). They don’t use spark plugs or pistons like traditional cars do; instead their engines use regenerative braking systems that turn kinetic energy into electricity for storage in batteries when the vehicle slows down or stops moving forward at all times–even when idling at stoplights!


In the end, it’s important to remember that alternative fuel vehicles are still going to require regular maintenance. You just don’t have to do as much of it or as often than you would with a traditional fossil-fueled car. The key is knowing when something needs attention so you don’t let problems get out of hand!