How To Protect You & Your Family When Using Ride-Sharing Services


Ride sharing services can be a convenient and cost-effective way to travel. However, these apps also open you up to potential dangers that you might not encounter with traditional methods of transportation. If you want to make sure you’re safe during your ride and after, read this article for tips on how to protect yourself from hackers, scams and identity theft when using ridesharing services:

How To Protect You & Your Family When Using Ride-Sharing Services

Do your research

Before you book a ride, do some research. Look up the company’s history and background, check their website and read reviews from other customers. You should also look up customer service reviews to see if there are any complaints against the company.

Check the app and company out thoroughly

It’s important to check the app and company out thoroughly before you use it. You should read reviews, check for scams and make sure that the company is legitimate. You should also look at information about the driver, car and payment method so that there are no surprises when you get into your ride.

Don’t share personal information on social media or through email

When sharing your personal information, it’s best not to do so on social media. While many people are aware of the risks involved with sharing personal information on the internet, they may not realize that their ride-sharing service will also be able to access this information if they use it as well.

You should also avoid sharing personal details through email or text messages for the same reason: even though these forms of communication are encrypted, there is always a chance that someone else could intercept them and gain access to sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers.

Use two-factor authentication and don’t store your password in a history or browser

Two-factor authentication is a great way to protect your accounts. It allows you to add an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter not just your password but also a unique code that is sent to your phone via text message or generated on an app like Google Authenticator. This makes it much harder for someone else who has stolen or guessed your password from another service (especially if you use different passwords) because they won’t have access to those codes either.

If you don’t have two-factor authentication enabled yet, do it now! It’s easy: go into “settings” on Uber and select “security.” Then click “two factor authentication.” Follow the instructions there and enter in some backup phone numbers where Uber can reach you if needed (this will come in handy if something goes wrong). Once that’s done, open up another tab on your browser window and go through all of the other places where two factor authentication could help keep hackers out–Facebook Messenger, Gmail/Google Drive etc.–and turn this feature on everywhere!

Consider using a VPN to protect yourself from hackers, both on and off the internet

A VPN is a virtual private network, which means it can be used to protect your privacy and security online. It does this by encrypting all of the data between your device and the VPN server, making it impossible for hackers or internet service providers (ISPs) to see what you’re doing on the web. A VPN can also be used to protect your data when using public WiFi networks, which are notorious for being less secure than home networks.

VPNs often come with other benefits too–a lot of them let you access content that’s blocked in certain countries (like Netflix US), or browse anonymously so websites don’t know who you are or where exactly you’re located at any given moment in time.

You can protect yourself by using good common sense.

  • Use good common sense. Don’t share personal information on social media or through email.
  • Use two-factor authentication and don’t store your password in a history or browser.
  • Consider using a VPN to protect yourself from hackers, both on and off the internet


Ride-sharing services are a great way to get around town and make your life easier, but they can also come with risks. The best way to protect yourself is by using common sense and good judgment. If something doesn’t feel right about an app or company, don’t use them!