How To Maintain Your Car’s Engine


If you want to keep your car running in top shape, it’s important to maintain the engine. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with your vehicle and cause it to break down. The key to maintaining your vehicle is taking care of the things that are going to keep you safe when driving as well as extending its lifespan.

How To Maintain Your Car’s Engine

Change the Oil

Changing the oil is a simple, low-cost maintenance task that should be done at least every 3,000 miles. It’s important to change the oil filter at the same time because it filters out contaminants from your engine and if you don’t replace it regularly, these contaminants can build up on other parts of your engine.

You’ll need:

  • An oil filter wrench or pliers to remove an old one (if there is one)
  • A new filter and some fresh high quality motor oil (like Mobil 1) in an approved container

Clean the Air Filter

If you’re not sure how to clean the air filter, follow these steps:

  • Locate the air filter. It’s usually located under the hood and can be accessed by opening up a panel on top of your engine or by removing a cover off of it.
  • Remove any dirt that has collected on top of or inside of your air filter with warm water and soap. Be careful not to damage anything else while doing this!

If there are any particles left over after cleaning out your air filter, consider purchasing another one from an auto parts store before continuing with step 4 below!

Check Fluid Levels

Checking fluid levels is one of the most important maintenance tasks you can do for your car. Most cars have at least a few basic fluids that need to be checked on a regular basis, and checking them regularly can help prevent serious problems in the future.

Here are some important things to remember about checking fluids:

  • Always check the owner’s manual first! Different cars have different requirements for checking their fluids–the best way to find out what yours needs is by reading up on it in the owner’s manual or talking with an experienced mechanic before attempting any repairs yourself.
  • Check everything! Don’t assume that just because something isn’t leaking under pressure (like transmission fluid), then there isn’t anything wrong with it either–this kind of thinking could potentially lead you down a dangerous path where you might overlook other problems like worn bearings or cracked hoses due solely because they aren’t actively spewing out dirty brown liquid onto your driveway right now).

Rotate Tires and Change Them

You should rotate the tires every 5,000 miles for maximum life and performance. If you don’t, the tires wear unevenly and can lead to premature wear on your vehicle. You should also change them when they reach a tread depth of 2/32nds or less as this indicates excessive wear on the tire’s surface.

Have a Complete Inspection Done

  • A complete inspection of your car’s engine, tires, and fluid levels is an important part of maintaining it. You can have these checked at any time by having a mechanic do so. Mechanics know how engines work and what they need to run smoothly. They can tell you if there are any problems with your car’s engine and make recommendations on how best to fix them.*

The key to maintaining a car’s engine is to keep it in good shape.

The key to maintaining a car’s engine is to keep it in good shape. As with any other part of your car, if you neglect maintenance and repairs your engine will not last long. Regularly scheduled oil changes and tune-ups are the best way to ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently for many years.

The first step in keeping track of what needs doing on your vehicle is getting an inspection done by an expert mechanic who knows exactly what they’re looking at when it comes to engines, transmissions and other major parts. Once you have found this person (or people), make sure they do thorough work so there aren’t any surprises later on down the road when something goes wrong unexpectedly!


The key to maintaining a car’s engine is to keep it in good shape. It will help extend the life of your vehicle and save you money in the long run. If you want more information on how to do this, check out our blog post on it here: How To Maintain Your Car’s Engine