Google Car Saves The Day (Again)


You know that you’re getting old when your car starts talking to you. That’s right, it’s not just my imagination — as I drive down the highway, my vehicle tells me when to change lanes and gives me warning alerts if there are any dangerous situations ahead. I’m used to driving on my own, so it can be unnerving when my car starts taking over like this. But there’s one type of vehicle that makes even more autonomous decisions than mine: The Google Car!

Google Car Saves The Day (Again)

The Google Car is learning how to drive.

You may have heard that Google’s self-driving cars are learning how to drive. While this is true, it’s not exactly what you think it means. The Google Car is not actually learning from its mistakes, but rather from those of other drivers.

The program started in 2009 with a fleet of Lexus SUVs equipped with sensors and cameras that enabled them to record images as well as their surroundings for analysis by computers at Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. The vehicles were then put through their paces on public roads around Silicon Valley before being let loose on city streets around America and Europe–with some notable exceptions: Nevada has no restrictions against autonomous vehicles; California prohibits testing without someone behind the wheel who can take control if necessary; Oregon requires two people inside each vehicle (one trained operator behind the wheel).

How do we know if the google car is learning how to drive? Because it has been involved in several accidents.

If you’re a fan of the Google Car, then you know that it has been involved in several accidents. This might seem like bad news for the future of autonomous vehicles, but it’s actually good news! The reason? Those accidents were caused by other drivers not paying attention or being reckless on the road. So far this year, there have been two incidents where humans were at fault for colliding with our beloved self-driving cars: one incident occurred when a human driver rear-ended another car (and then fled); another happened when someone swerved into traffic without warning and hit one of our vehicles head-on (this happened twice).

The most recent case occurred when another driver turned right directly into our path–and then proceeded to blame us for being there at all!

Each accident has been a learning experience for the Google Car, but that doesn’t make it any less scary for everyone else on the road when one of these things rear-ends your vehicle.

When it comes to driverless cars, there’s one thing you can be sure of: they will get into accidents. And while each accident is a learning experience for the Google Car, that doesn’t make them any less scary for everyone else on the road when one of these things rear-ends your vehicle.

As we’ve mentioned before, Google’s driverless cars have been involved in several accidents since 2014–but despite what you might think from watching movies like Terminator or The Lawnmower Man (both great films), these vehicles are not trying to end humanity as we know it by running over pedestrians one by one until they have no choice but to give up their lives in order to survive. In fact, most of these incidents were actually caused by human drivers who didn’t see or understand how autonomous vehicles operate.

The good news is that these incidents have provided valuable insight into how self-driving cars work–and how humans interact with them! We’ll just say this: if something strange happens while driving around town and then find yourself wondering “was that real?” chances are good that yes – it really happened!

So what does this have to do with autonomous vehicles? A lot!

This is a story of one of Google’s self-driving cars and how it saved the day.

The car was making its way down a busy street when it encountered an old lady who was crossing the road with her walker. She was having trouble making her way across due to her age and lack of mobility, so the car decided to help out by stopping in front of her and allowing her to cross safely on its hood!

Autonomous vehicles are still being tested, and they have a lot more testing to go through before they’re considered safe for the road.

Google Car is still being tested, and it has a lot more testing to go through before it’s considered safe for the road.

Google Cars have been involved in several accidents, but each accident has been a learning experience for the Google Car.


The Google Car is still in its infancy, but it’s getting better every day. This is a huge step forward for autonomous vehicles and could potentially save thousands of lives each year by eliminating accidents caused by human error. As we all know, driving can be stressful and dangerous sometimes; so if there were no more crashes on our roads due to driver error then wouldn’t that be great?