Everything You Need to Know About Engine Types


Just like your car has an engine, your body has one too. The heart is the organ in our body that pumps blood through our system and keeps us alive. It’s much bigger than any car engine you’ve ever seen, but for some reason it gets all the credit for keeping us going when it should be shared with all those other organs that help keep you healthy—like kidneys, spleen, and pancreas!

And just like there are many things that can go wrong with a car’s engine (or human body), there are many different types of engines used in cars today. Some require premium gas while others can run on regular unleaded fuel. Some engines have more cylinders than others; some are supercharged or turbocharged; some run on diesel instead of gasoline; and some even use electricity instead of fossil fuels! In this post we’ll discuss everything you need to know about what makes these different kinds of engines tick so you can make an informed decision when buying a new vehicle and selecting its engine type.”

Everything You Need to Know About Engine Types

1.4-liter engine

  • 4-liter engines are common in compact cars, but they can also be found in some SUVs and pickup trucks. This engine is good for city driving, but not for long highway trips.

The 1.4L is the smallest size of a four-cylinder engine that runs on regular fuel (as opposed to premium). It produces about 100 horsepower–the same as your typical lawnmower or weed whacker–and can carry you up to 40 miles per gallon on the highway if you keep it under 65 mph.

1.5-liter engine

The 1.5-liter engine is a common powerplant in the automotive world, but it’s not necessarily one you’d associate with performance cars. In fact, many economy cars use this type of engine due to its ability to provide good fuel efficiency without sacrificing acceleration or handling characteristics.

The size of your car’s engine can be determined by looking at its displacement (or “cc” measurement). For example: if your car has an inline-four cylinder engine with a displacement of 2 liters (or 2000 cc), then it will be considered a 2-liter car; if your vehicle has an inline-six cylinder engine with a displacement of 4 liters (or 4000 cc), then it would be considered 4-liter vehicle–and so forth!

As far as turbocharging goes…well…that’s another discussion altogether!

2-liter engine

A 2-liter engine is a 4-cylinder engine. It’s smaller than the 3-liter engines used in most cars today, but it still packs a punch.

A 2-liter engine is used in smaller cars because it gives you better fuel efficiency and power than larger engines do.

3-liter engine

The 3-liter engine is a popular choice for many modern cars. These engines are usually V6s, but they can also be turbocharged or supercharged. The 3-liter designation refers to the displacement of each cylinder in cubic inches (cid). In other words, if you have one engine block with three cylinders and another engine block with six cylinders, both would be considered 3 liters because they both have three cid per cylinder.

The first time you hear about this type of engine will probably be when you’re shopping for your next car–it’s what powers many luxury models from BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi; sports cars from Porsche and Ferrari; SUVs from Land Rover and Jeep; trucks like Ford F150s…the list goes on forever!

4-cylinder engine

The 4-cylinder engine is the most common type of engine in cars today, and it can be found in everything from hatchbacks to sedans. It’s also one of the most fuel efficient options available right now–so if you’re looking for something that gets great mileage without sacrificing power or performance, this is probably your best bet.

Because they’re smaller than V6s and V8s (and therefore lighter), 4-cylinder engines tend to be used mostly in smaller vehicles such as coupes or compacts. You’ll find them on everything from economy cars like Toyota’s Corolla to luxury models like BMW’s 3 Series sedan.

On average, these motors have anywhere between 2-3 liters’ worth of displacement per cylinder; however depending on factors such as manufacturer design specifications and model year changes over time (especially among newer models), actual displacement can vary greatly between different makes/models within any given category (e.,g., “4 Cylinder” vs “5 Cylinders”).

There are many types of engines.

There are many types of engines, but they all work in the same way. The engine is the most important part of a car, because it’s what makes the car go and power it. If you have ever seen an old movie where someone says “get me to my horse” or “let’s take my carriage,” then you know how important horse-drawn transportation was back then.

Nowadays we don’t use horses to get around anymore; instead we use cars powered by engines that run on gasoline or diesel fuel (or even electricity). But what exactly is an engine? An engine converts energy into motion by burning fuel inside cylinders filled with air at high pressure–this creates heat which causes gases such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) from combustion products as well as particulate matter from unburned fuel particles called PM 10-2.5 which includes soot particles less than 2 1/2 microns in diameter along with dusts plus small fibers produced during normal wear processes within your vehicle’s emission control system components such as catalysts used during regeneration cycles.*


There are many types of engines.