Electric Vehicles Don’t Have To Be Worse For The Environment, After All


Electric vehicles have a problem. There’s a lot of noise about how bad electric vehicles are for the environment, and it’s easy to see why people think this way. But it turns out that electric vehicles don’t have to be worse for the environment, after all.

Electric cars and trucks need fewer materials than their gas-powered counterparts, which makes them more efficient. And they don’t spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as they run down the road—which is good news for everyone who cares about climate change.

Electric Vehicles Don’t Have To Be Worse For The Environment, After All

Electric vehicles have a problem.

Electric vehicles have a problem.

They’re worse for the environment, more expensive and can be dangerous to drive. They also aren’t as efficient as you think they are and will cost you more money in the long run if you plan on owning one of these things for any amount of time.

There’s a lot of noise about how bad electric vehicles are for the environment.

If you’ve been reading the news, you might think that electric vehicles (EVs) are bad for the environment. A lot of people say that. They’re wrong.

The truth is that EVs can be just as good for the environment as gas-powered cars–if not better. And they have some other advantages: they’re cheaper to run and maintain, quieter on the road, safer for pedestrians than traditional automobiles, and cleaner than their internal combustion counterparts because there’s no tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2.

It’s easy to see why people think this way.

It’s easy to see why people think this way. The electric car is a new technology, and it has its limitations. The range of an average electric car is about 100 miles on a full charge, which may not be enough for your daily commute or weekend road trip. And because the batteries are heavy and expensive, the cost of an electric vehicle can be more than double that of a gas-powered one (though prices have begun falling).

But while these factors make sense on their own terms–who wouldn’t want more power?–they don’t tell the whole story:

But it turns out that electric vehicles don’t have to be worse for the environment, after all.

You may have heard that electric vehicles are bad for the environment. That’s because they use electricity to run, and electricity comes from power plants that burn fossil fuels–which means they contribute to global warming.

But it turns out that electric cars don’t have to be worse for the environment, after all. In fact, they can actually be better than their gas-powered counterparts in several ways:

  • Electric vehicles use less energy during manufacturing.* They don’t produce any emissions during operation.* And now there are plans underway to build charging stations throughout cities so you don’t have to worry about running out of juice while driving around town!

Electric cars and trucks need fewer materials than their gas-powered counterparts.

Electric vehicles have fewer parts than their gas-powered counterparts. This means they need less steel, copper and aluminum, as well as cobalt–a rare metal that’s used in batteries.

The less material needed to make an electric vehicle (EV), the better for the environment and your wallet!

Electric cars are better for the environment than most people believe

Electric vehicles don’t have to be worse for the environment, after all. Electric cars are better for the environment than most people believe.

In fact, if you’re looking at the big picture and thinking about what’s best for our planet as a whole, an electric car could be one of your best options. You may think that using electricity from coal-fired plants would be bad news for our climate, but there are ways around this problem–and plenty of other reasons why driving an EV is actually better than driving a gas-powered vehicle:


It’s always good to be aware of the facts, but it’s also important not to let them get in the way of progress. We can’t let our fear of change hold us back from making positive changes for future generations. The truth is that electric cars are better for the environment than most people believe–and they’re getting better all the time!