Electric Cars Cost Less Than Gas-powered Ones


If you’re thinking about switching to an electric vehicle, you may be wondering if the cost of owning one makes sense for your budget. The good news is that a growing number of studies show that electric cars are not only less expensive to purchase than gas-powered vehicles but also cheaper to maintain over time. If you’re wondering how much money an electric car will save you over its lifetime, here’s what we know about their overall costs:

Electric Cars Cost Less Than Gas-powered Ones

Electric cars are cheaper to maintain than gas-powered ones.

Electric cars have fewer moving parts and fluids to maintain, which makes them cheaper to maintain than gas-powered ones.

Because electric vehicles are simpler than their combustion engine (ICE) counterparts, they require less maintenance. Electric motors have fewer moving parts than ICEs do, so they’re less likely to break down or need repairs. The same goes for the batteries: since they don’t contain any flammable liquids like gasoline does, there’s no need for regular service checks on those fluids–and if something does go wrong with your battery pack and you need a replacement part, it’ll be much easier and cheaper for mechanics who work at repair facilities near you (or even right in your own garage!) who specialize in working with electric cars because they know exactly what kind of equipment is required!

Plus–unlike gas-powered vehicles that rely on refilling every few weeks at whatever station happens by next time around town–electric cars can be charged up at home every night before heading out again tomorrow morning!

The federal government offers incentives, like tax credits and rebates, for people to buy electric vehicles.

If you’re considering buying an electric car, there are some incentives from the federal government that may make it easier to do so. The federal government offers tax credits of up to $7,500 for people who buy electric vehicles (EVs). Additionally, many states offer additional rebates on top of this amount–in California and Colorado, for example, purchasers get $2,500 back from their state governments.

The U.S. government is also a big supporter of EVs; President Obama dedicated more than $2 billion toward developing better batteries in his final year in office and has pledged to invest another $1 billion over three years starting in 2017 as part of his Climate Action Plan.*

Electric cars are cheaper to operate than gas-powered vehicles because they cost less to fuel and maintain.

Electric cars are cheaper to operate than gas-powered ones because they cost less to fuel and maintain.

  • Electric cars have fewer moving parts than gas-powered ones. They have no engine, transmission or exhaust system–just batteries, motors and regenerative braking systems that make them more efficient than internal combustion engines (ICE).
  • Electric cars are simpler to maintain than ICEs since they don’t have any of those components that need regular maintenance and service.

You can save money on gasoline by taking advantage of carpool lanes and HOV lanes.

If you drive an electric car, you can save money by taking advantage of carpool lanes. Carpool lanes are not just for cars with two or more occupants–they’re also open to electric vehicles that have at least one passenger onboard.

You can also save money on gasoline by using HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes in some states. In California, for example, all vehicles with two or more passengers can use the HOV lane–including electric vehicles!

Depending on where you live, an electric car may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance premiums.

Depending on where you live, an electric car may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance premiums.

In some states, drivers of electric vehicles are eligible to receive discounts ranging from 10{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} to 30{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} off their annual auto insurance rates. This is because they’re less likely than gas-powered cars to be involved in accidents or thefts–and because they don’t emit fumes that contribute to smog and global warming.

Electric vehicles cost less to maintain and operate than gas-powered ones so you can save money over time.

You can save money over time with electric vehicles.

Electric cars cost less to maintain and operate than gas-powered ones so you’ll be able to save money in the long run. Electric vehicles are cheaper to fuel and maintain, which means that your initial investment will pay off quickly. You’ll also spend less on gas when driving an electric car than you would in a traditional vehicle–and those savings will add up over time!


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how much money you could save by purchasing an electric car. There are many other advantages as well, including lower emissions and quieter driving. If you’re looking for a new vehicle or considering trading in your current one, think about going green!