Electric Cars Benefit the Environment More Than Conventional Cars


There’s no doubt electric cars are the vehicles of the future. Their benefits to the environment, economy and society are clear. Because of this, more people should be encouraged to buy them.

Electric Cars Benefit the Environment More Than Conventional Cars

Electric cars are more environmentally-friendly than conventional cars.

Electric cars are more environmentally-friendly than conventional cars.

Electric vehicles don’t produce tailpipe emissions or greenhouse gases, which means they reduce demand for oil. As a result, they’re better for the economy and environment as well as your health.

Electric cars are good for the economy.

Electric cars are good for the economy.

There’s no denying that electric cars cost more than their gas-powered counterparts, but they have a leg up on the environment, and that can translate into savings for you over time. For example:

  • Electric vehicles are cheaper to maintain. Electric motors don’t require oil changes or tune-ups, which means less money spent at the mechanic’s shop. The batteries themselves also last longer than internal combustion engines (ICE), so you won’t need to replace them as often either–and when you do need new ones, they’re cheaper!
  • Electric vehicles are cheaper to fuel because they run off electricity instead of gasoline or diesel fuel. Electricity costs vary by region and utility provider; however most estimates put it at between one-third and one percent of what traditional fuels cost per mile traveled according to an article published by Forbes Magazine in 2018.[1]

Electric cars don’t produce tailpipe emissions or greenhouse gases.

Electric cars don’t produce tailpipe emissions or greenhouse gases. Electric cars don’t require exhaust pipes or catalytic converters, which means they can be quieter than conventional vehicles and pollute less. In fact, electric car owners can virtually eliminate their carbon footprint by charging their vehicle at night when renewable energy sources like wind and solar power are at their peak capacity.

Electric cars reduce demand for oil.

Electric cars reduce demand for oil. The more electric cars on the road, the less demand there is for oil. Less demand means fewer oil fields are needed to meet our needs and that means fewer drilling rigs drilling into those fields. The result? Less pollution in these areas where drilling occurs and cleaner air everywhere else!

Electric vehicles are better for the economy than fossil fuel powered vehicles.

Electric cars are better for the economy than fossil fuel powered vehicles.

Electric vehicles are more efficient than fossil fuel powered vehicles. They have fewer parts, which means they require less energy to operate and less time to build. This also makes them cheaper to maintain, as there are fewer parts that can break down or need replacing over time (the average maintenance cost of an electric car is $1 per mile). Finally, electric cars are generally cheaper than their conventional counterparts: you can buy an entry-level Tesla Model 3 or Nissan Leaf for around $30k-$40k–less than half what it would cost you if you were looking at comparable gasoline-powered models such as a Ford Mustang V8 GT Premium Fastback with Performance Package ($45k) or a Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Coupe with Z07 Performance Package ($60k+).

More people should buy electric cars.

Electric cars are better for the environment than conventional cars. They use less energy and produce fewer emissions, which means they’re good for Mother Earth. You can help protect our planet by buying an electric vehicle and driving it around town!

Electric vehicles are more efficient than conventional ones because they have batteries that store electricity from solar panels or wind turbines to power them when there’s no grid available (like at night). The batteries also charge more quickly than it would take you to refill your gasoline tank with gas–so you’ll save time as well as money!

Electric cars cost less than non-electrified vehicles because they don’t require expensive internal combustion engines or big tanks full of fossil fuels like regular cars do; plus their maintenance costs are lower because there aren’t any moving parts inside them like those found within internal combustion engines either! So if we’re talking strictly about upfront costs here then yes: buying an EV will save you some cash upfront while also helping protect our environment over time because there isn’t anything else currently available today…


The future of transportation is electric, and we want to make sure you’re on board with it! If you’re interested in learning more about how your vehicle can benefit from an electric motor and battery pack, contact us today.