Cost Of Electric Vehicles Explained In 7 Charts


Electric cars are becoming more and more popular, but they’re still more expensive than gas-powered vehicles. As their prices drop and gas prices rise, though, the cost difference between them is starting to narrow. In this post I’m going to explain why electric vehicles are so expensive—and how long it will take you to make up that cost difference with gas savings. If you want to skip ahead, here’s what we’ll cover:

Cost Of Electric Vehicles Explained In 7 Charts

A $1,000 price difference

The difference between the two is starting to narrow.

A $1,000 price difference is still there and could be as high as $1,000 depending on where you live and what model of vehicle you buy. The main reason for this is batteries cost more than regular internal combustion engines (ICEs).

Why are electric vehicles more expensive?

The price of electric vehicles is higher than their gas-powered counterparts because they have more expensive parts. The most significant cost difference is in battery technology, which can be up to $10,000 more expensive than traditional internal combustion engines (ICE).

Battery replacement is another major expense for electric vehicles (EVs). While a gas tank holds about 15 gallons of fuel and lasts for thousands of miles before needing to be refilled or replaced, an EV’s battery will only last between five and 10 years before it needs replacing–and that doesn’t include labor costs associated with installation.

Another reason why EVs cost more money is because they’re heavier than ICE vehicles: Not only do batteries add weight but so do other components like motors and controllers that make up an EV’s drivetrain system.

How many years will it take to make up the cost difference?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. First, how much you drive. If you’re only driving your car for short distances and don’t use it very often, then the payback period will be longer than if you were driving 50 miles each day and using an electric vehicle every day of the week.

Second, what kind of car do you buy? EVs have come down in price significantly over the past few years but some models are still more expensive than others (especially when factoring in federal tax credits).

Thirdly, how much money do I save on gas? Even if an EV is more expensive than its internal combustion counterpart up front, owners can recoup those costs through lower fuel costs over time–so this factor is important when considering whether or not an electric vehicle makes sense financially for them personally!

Interest rates matter.

Interest rates matter. If you’re planning to buy an electric car but don’t want to pay any extra money, it’s important that you understand what interest rates are and how they affect the cost of electric vehicles.

Interest rates are basically how much money banks charge people for borrowing money. When you take out a loan from your bank or credit union, they’ll usually charge an interest rate on that loan–that’s how they make their money! You can think of this as similar to being charged rent for using someone else’s property (the bank). As with rent payments, there are many different kinds of loans with different amounts of interest charged per month or year depending on what kind of loan it is: some have higher monthly payments but lower overall costs because less total time is spent paying back your debt; others have low initial payments but high interest rates over time which means more total dollars paid over time than if there were no such thing as “interest”.

There are two main types when it comes down to personal finances: fixed-rate loans vs variable-rate loans; each one has its own benefits depending on what kind of situation someone might find themselves in financially speaking.* Fixed rate loans require less work since they won’t fluctuate based upon what happens within financial markets worldwide (e.,g., stock market fluctuations), so long term stability may be important here.* Variable Rate Loans can offer lower initial costs than fixed ones do since these tend not require high upfront fees like upfront insurance costs associated

Don’t forget about gas savings.

Gas savings are not always guaranteed. In fact, they’re not even guaranteed to be significant. The reason is that the price of gas varies in different cities and regions of the country. If you live in a place where gas prices are high–like California or Hawaii–you might actually spend more money on gas if you drive an electric vehicle than if you drove an internal combustion engine (ICE) car instead.

But don’t let this discourage you! The fact remains: when it comes down to it, EVs are still cheaper than ICE vehicles over their entire lifetimes because they require less maintenance and have fewer moving parts that can break down under heavy use conditions such as driving across country multiple times per year or hauling heavy cargo around town every day after work hours

Electric vehicles are still more expensive than gas-powered cars.

Electric vehicles are still more expensive than gas-powered cars. The price difference is starting to narrow, but it will take time for EVs to match the cost of internal combustion engines.

The main reason for this disparity is battery costs: Lithium-ion batteries are an essential component of electric vehicles, and they can cost as much as $10,000 per kilowatt hour (kWh). That’s about six times more expensive than the best lithium batteries from just five years ago, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance data cited by Reuters.

In addition to their high price tag today, lithium batteries may also need further innovation before they become cheaper enough for mass production–and that could mean even higher prices down the road if manufacturers want their models’ range and performance profiles comparable with those offered by traditional internal combustion engines (ICEs).

The price difference between gas and electric cars is starting to narrow, but it’s still there

The cost of gas-powered cars is falling, but the price difference between electric and gas-powered vehicles is still there.

The price difference has narrowed in recent years as battery technology has improved and government subsidies have been introduced. In fact, some experts predict that by 2025 or 2030–the end of this decade–electric vehicles will be cheaper than their gasoline counterparts on average if you factor in maintenance costs over time as well (the “total cost of ownership”).


The price difference between gas and electric cars is starting to narrow, but it’s still there. Electric vehicles are a good option if you want to save money on fuel costs or reduce your carbon footprint. But if you don’t need an EV right now, there are plenty of other ways to improve your driving experience without breaking the bank–like getting new tires or having regular maintenance performed on your car by professionals at local shops like Tire Express & Brake Center.