Cost Electric Vehicles – The Best Kind Of Investment You Can Make


I know what you’re thinking: electric vehicles are too expensive. Well, that’s what I thought too—until I saw the numbers. Using a Tesla as an example, let’s take a look at the real costs of owning an EV versus a gas-powered car and see how much money you can really save over time by making this investment in yourself and our planet.

Cost Electric Vehicles – The Best Kind Of Investment You Can Make


In this article, you’ll learn about what an electric vehicle is and how it works. You’ll also find out why an investment in electric vehicles is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family. But don’t worry–the information here isn’t just for people who want to buy an electric car themselves! If you’re looking to get into investing or just want some helpful advice on how to make money from home, this article will be useful as well.

So what exactly does an “electric vehicle” mean? It refers to any type of motorized transportation where electricity powers its engine instead of gasoline or diesel fuel (like motorcycles). This includes cars like Tesla’s Model S; buses used by public transit agencies like Muni in San Francisco; delivery trucks like FedEx Ground’s fleet across America; even boats such as those owned by fishing captains who need power sources that won’t run out at sea!

Gather Your Data

You can’t make an informed decision without knowing the full cost of your electric vehicle. To get started, you’ll need to gather all the data you can about how much money and energy your EV is using.

Then, create a spreadsheet or use an app like MyCarDiary or CarWale to keep track of all your EV-related expenses–fuel costs, maintenance fees, insurance premiums and so on (you may also want to include parking fees if you’re not charging at home). You should also record how long it takes for each battery charge by checking the dashboard display every time you plug in.

The Cost Of EV Maintenance

If you want to get the most out of your EV and make it last, then regular maintenance is key.

  • Inspect the car and replace parts as needed. This includes checking all major components like brakes and tires regularly (at least once per year), as well as inspecting the battery and charging system every six months.
  • Replace worn out parts with new ones when necessary. For example, if your tires are worn down past their tread life or if one breaks down completely during an inspection period, then buy new ones! Similarly, if any other part of your vehicle needs replacing–like brake pads or belts–then go ahead and do so immediately so that they don’t fail while driving down a busy street at high speeds near pedestrians who could get hurt by flying debris from failed machinery!

The Cost Of Charging At Home

The cost of charging at home depends on the type of charger you have. If you’re using a Level 1 charger, which plugs into a standard 120-volt outlet and can take up to 18 hours for a full charge, it’s about $0.42 per gallon equivalent (GGE) to charge your car. If you upgrade to a 240-volt level 2 charger that can charge four times faster than level 1s and only takes about 4 hours for full power, those same gallons will cost $0.05 per kilowatt hour (kWh).

For comparison purposes: The average cost per gallon of gas in the United States is currently around $2; depending on what state or region in which you live and how much gas prices change over time, this may or may not seem like much savings compared with buying gas every week instead of charging up at home every night before work in the morning or after dinner when everyone gets home from work/school/play dates etc…

The Cost Of Charging On The Go

The cost of charging on the go is more than just the price of your electricity. You also have to factor in other fees, like parking fees and tolls. If you plan on doing long-distance driving, then make sure to find out if there are any free charging stations along your route.

Is An EV Right For You?

  • Are you ready to make the switch?
  • Do you have the money to invest in an EV?
  • Are you willing to put in the time and effort needed to maintain your EV?

Choosing to buy an electric vehicle is an investment that’ll pay off in the long run

The cost of buying an electric vehicle is lower than the cost of buying a gas-powered vehicle. You can save money on fuel, maintenance and repairs by switching to an electric car or truck. The average person spends about $3,000 per year on gasoline for their vehicle. If you’re driving 15,000 miles per year (the average among American drivers), that’s approximately $1 per mile!

Electric vehicles are more efficient than gas-powered cars because they don’t waste energy through combustion or engine friction. They also require less maintenance because they have fewer moving parts–and there are no spark plugs or oil filters to replace in an EV! Plus there are no emissions released into the atmosphere when you drive an EV; therefore it’s better for our environment too!


The cost of EV maintenance and charging is something that you should think about before buying an electric vehicle. The good news is that if you do your research and make sure that you have access to charging stations at home or work, then these costs won’t be as high as they once were. But even still, there are plenty of other reasons why EVs are worth their price tag!