Charging Electric Vehicles Is About To Get Cheaper


Charging your electric vehicle is becoming easier and cheaper than ever before. While the initial investment in an EV can still be a bit pricey, there are plenty of ways to offset those costs by choosing a cheaper charging option. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you get started!

Charging Electric Vehicles Is About To Get Cheaper

Transaction Fees

Transaction fees are the costs of processing a transaction. In the case of credit cards, they’re usually charged by banks as a percentage of each sale and paid by merchants on every purchase made with their card. The transaction fee is usually between 1{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} and 2{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} of the total amount spent.

Credit card companies also charge what’s known as an interchange fee, which is essentially another way for them to make money from merchants’ transactions (and it can add up fast). These days most US banks have switched from charging both types of fees directly onto your bill–which would be bad enough–but now they pass them along in other ways instead: through higher interest rates on loans; hidden charges like annual membership fees and late payment penalties; etcetera ad nauseam until even death seems preferable!

Bank of America’s Transaction Free (TF) Program

Bank of America’s Transaction Free (TF) Program is a free program for Bank of America customers. You can use it to make purchases at any merchant with a debit card, even if you don’t have enough funds in your account to cover the purchase.

Chase Bank’s Interchange-Plus Pricing

If you’re a business owner and you’re interested in offering electric vehicle charging, here’s what you need to know: Chase Bank’s Interchange-Plus Pricing.

Interchange-Plus pricing is a fee structure that allows businesses to charge customers for their transactions. This means that if a customer uses an ATM machine or pays with their debit card at the gas station, the bank receives money from that transaction. The bank will then take its cut of those fees (2{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} for example) as well as any other costs associated with providing services like security monitoring or maintenance work on their machines.

Wells Fargo’s WFC+ Pricing

The Wells Fargo WFC+ pricing program is available for all Wells Fargo customers who use their debit cards to pay for at least one monthly electric bill. The program provides a discount of up to 10{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} on your monthly utility bill, and it’s automatic–you don’t have to do anything extra! If you’re interested in signing up for this program, contact your local Wells Fargo branch or call them at 1-800-TO-WELLS (1-800-869-3557).

The cost of WFC+ depends on how much energy you use each month: the more electricity or natural gas you buy through Wells Fargo, the lower your rate will be. If you’re using less than 50{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} of the average customer consumption level (ACL) in California or New York State during any given month, then your purchase price will be $0 per kilowatt hour (kWh). For example: if an ACL is 15 kWh per day and someone uses only 5 kWhs per day throughout their billing cycle then they would only pay $0/kWh!

Citi’s No-Frills Pricing Model

You may be thinking, “I’m not sure I can handle another monthly bill. I already have so many.” But Citi’s no-frills pricing model is the most affordable, simplest, and transparent way to charge your electric vehicle (EV).

In this article we’ll explain how it works and why it’s better than other options for drivers who want to go green without breaking the bank.

American Express’ Red, Black and Blue Cards

American Express offers a variety of cards with different rewards programs, but the Red, Black and Blue cards are unique in that they offer rewards for purchases made at the pump. The Blue card is the only one of these three that offers rewards for purchases made at the pump.

Capital One’s Flat Rate Pricing Model

Capital One’s Flat Rate Pricing Model

Capital One is a credit card company that offers a flat rate for charging electric vehicles. This means that there is no fee to charge your car, regardless of how long it takes. This is the most affordable option because it eliminates the risk of overpaying if your car takes longer than expected to charge. This model has been adopted by many different charging station providers such as ChargePoint and EV Connections, so if you see “Flat Rate” or “Free – No Limit” written on a sign at an EV charging station, then this likely means they use Capital One’s pricing model (and vice versa).

Discover’s Flat Rate Pricing Model

Discover takes the stress out of charging your electric vehicle. With Discover’s flat rate pricing model, you can charge at home or on the go and pay for it with just one tap in our mobile app.

Electric vehicle charging is becoming more accessible and affordable.

As more electric vehicles hit the road, charging infrastructure is growing and becoming more accessible. As a result, the cost of charging an EV is falling. In fact, even if you don’t own an electric car and are just curious about them, there are ways to get free or heavily discounted charging from your local utility company!

It’s not just about lower costs–the number of EVs on American roads has been steadily increasing since 2012 (with over 1 million sold in 2018) and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.


As we’ve seen, charging electric vehicles is a complex process that requires a lot of resources. However, it’s also one that’s evolving at a rapid pace. Thanks to new technologies like blockchain and machine learning algorithms, we can expect these systems to become even more efficient in the future–which means cheaper electricity bills for everyone!