Be Prepared: 9 Tips To Help You Stay Safe When Traveling With Uber, Lyft and Other


Uber and Lyft have revolutionized transportation. They’re easy to use, affordable and convenient. But with great convenience comes great responsibility—and there are certain risks that come along with using ride sharing services.

Section: Get your information in order

Section: Be vigilant about your surroundings

Section: Know the ins and outs of your destination

Section: Check-in with your friends regularly

Section: Avoid being alone at night by choosing to travel during the day.

Section: Never leave valuables in plain sight.

Section: Don’t keep all your cash on you. Not only do you want to make sure that you can get home if something happens during your trip, but it’s also a good idea to be prepared for an emergency situation as well! To help you out, we’ve put together a list of tips on how to stay safe while using Uber or Lyft (or any other ride sharing service). Here’s what we suggest doing before getting into any vehicle driven by someone else (including taxi cabs):

  • ”’Until our final project is due date”’
Be Prepared: 9 Tips To Help You Stay Safe When Traveling With Uber, Lyft and Other

Get your information in order

  • Make sure you have a copy of your license.
  • Make sure you have a copy of your insurance.
  • Make sure you have a copy of your passport (and other ID).
  • Make sure you have a copy of the debit card or credit card that will be used for payment, as well as its expiration date and security code(s). This goes without saying in most cases, but it’s worth stating anyway: don’t share this information with anyone!

Be vigilant about your surroundings

  • Be vigilant about your surroundings.
  • Don’t be distracted by your phone or other devices, and stay alert to what’s going on around you. This is especially important if you’re traveling alone at night, which can make it easier for criminals to take advantage of you without being noticed by others in the area. If something seems off–if someone seems suspicious or out of place–then don’t hesitate to ask for help from another person nearby (or call 911).
  • Avoid walking alone at night if possible; try to walk in groups whenever possible instead! Also avoid secluded areas where there aren’t many people around, as these are prime spots for criminals who want privacy while they commit their crimes against unsuspecting victims like ourselves!

Know the ins and outs of your destination

When you’re traveling to a new place, it’s important to know the ins and outs of your destination. This can include knowing:

  • Where you can go and where you can’t go. If there are certain areas that are off limits, find out why they are considered dangerous.
  • What time of day is safe and what time of day isn’t safe. Some places have different curfew hours than others, so make sure that if this applies to your destination, it won’t cause any problems for your Uber driver or Lyft driver if they decide not to travel back into town at night because their shift has ended earlier than yours!

Check-in with your friends regularly

Check-in with your friends regularly.

If you’re traveling with Uber or Lyft, you should let people know where you are going and when they can expect to hear from you again. Make sure to give them your phone number and/or email address so they can reach out if there is an emergency. Also, take a screenshot of the map showing your travel route so that if something happens on the road (like getting into an accident), this will help law enforcement find where exactly it happened so that they can get help as soon as possible!

Avoid being alone at night by choosing to travel during the day.

  • Avoid being alone at night by choosing to travel during the day.
  • Avoid traveling in unfamiliar areas.
  • Avoid traveling during high crime times, like when it’s dark out or right after the bars close.
  • If you’re tired or feeling a bit tipsy, don’t get behind the wheel! Wait until morning when your senses are fresh and energized so that you can react quickly if anything happens on your Uber ride home (or Lyft ride home).

Never leave valuables in plain sight.

  • Never leave valuables in plain sight.
  • Don’t leave valuables in an unlocked car.
  • Don’t leave valuables in the back seat of a car or truck, where they can be easily seen by other passengers or people walking by the vehicle.
  • Don’t put your purse on the floorboard, where it can be easily stolen from under your feet while driving or stopped at traffic lights (or even when stopped at a stop sign). Instead: Put it on your lap and hold onto it tightly! If possible, place something else over it so that no one can see what’s inside–a jacket works well for this purpose since most purses are black anyway!

Don’t keep all your cash on you.

  • Don’t keep all your cash on you.
  • Don’t keep all your cash in the same place.
  • Don’t keep all your cash in your wallet or pocket.
  • If possible, don’t even have it on you at all!

Keep a list of emergency phone numbers in case you need to call for help.

If you’re traveling with Uber or Lyft, keep a list of emergency phone numbers in case you need to call for help.

  • Add your own phone number. You may be used to having friends and family around when something goes wrong, but if they’re not there, this could be a lifesaver.
  • Add other people’s numbers who can help as well (e.g., coworkers). If something happens while you’re out alone, having someone else available makes things easier on everyone involved–and potentially saves lives!
  • Don’t forget about the police! They might not always be able to solve every problem but some situations require their intervention (like if someone steals from another person) so make sure this is one of those numbers too.

Carry extra cash, just in case!

  • Carry extra cash, just in case!
  • Don’t carry too much. You don’t want to attract attention by carrying a lot of money on you, especially if you’re traveling alone.
  • Have enough money to get yourself to your destination and back home again–but no more than that.

You can stay safe while using ride sharing services by taking these precautions and being aware of your surroundings.

When using ride sharing services, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take steps to protect yourself.

  • Use common sense. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t leave valuables in plain sight. If you’re traveling alone at night, consider taking a taxi instead of an Uber or Lyft.
  • Use geo-fencing technology. If you’re using a smartphone app like Uber or Lyft, consider setting up geo-fencing technology on your phone so that if it leaves a certain area without permission from you (or someone else), it will automatically notify emergency contacts with GPS coordinates of where the phone is located at that moment in time along with details about what happened during its last known location before losing connection with cell towers or wifi networks.* Use transportation alternatives when possible: if there are other options available nearby such as buses or trains then use those instead because they’ll probably be cheaper too!


If you want to use ride sharing services, we encourage you do so, but be smart about it. By following these tips and being vigilant of your surroundings, you can safely enjoy your next trip with Uber or Lyft.