A Ride Sharing Driver Network That Actually Pays Their Drivers


There is not a doubt in anyone’s minds that ride sharing is here to stay. The question is how long it will take for these companies to realize they need to pay their drivers better and give them the respect they deserve. There are many ride sharing companies that do treat their drivers fairly, but there are so many more who have yet to figure it out (Uber and Lyft being two of these). It’s time for all of these companies to step up and make sure they’re doing right by the people who drive on their platforms or face the consequences!

A Ride Sharing Driver Network That Actually Pays Their Drivers

Ride sharing companies are coming under fire.

Uber and Lyft are facing lawsuits, protests, and regulatory resistance from around the country. The controversy centers on whether or not Uber and Lyft drivers should be considered contractors or employees.

  • Contractors are self-employed workers who provide services for a company but are not entitled to benefits such as health insurance or paid time off.
  • Employees receive fixed wages in exchange for their labor (and often have protections against discrimination).

Many of the drivers do not make enough money to live on.

Many of the drivers do not make enough money to live on.

The drivers provide a valuable service, but they are not paid enough for the services they provide. Many drivers work long hours and drive hundreds of miles per week, yet they are not given enough of a cut from the profits made by ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft.

The drivers are not paid enough for the services they provide.

Drivers are not paid enough for the services they provide. Drivers want to be paid fairly and treated well by the companies who use their services – and be given the respect that they deserve as professionals in their fields.

The driver networks have no incentive to keep their drivers happy and pay them fairly, because there is a huge supply of drivers.

The driver networks have no incentive to keep their drivers happy and pay them fairly, because there is a huge supply of drivers. The more drivers they have on the platform, the more rides they can provide. And the more rides they provide, the more money they make!

The fact that these ride sharing companies are able to profit off of other people’s labor while avoiding paying any benefits or providing any protection for their workers is one of many reasons why we need unionized labor in this country – but it’s far from being our only problem with gig economy jobs like driving for Uber and Lyft

In the case of Uber and Lyft, the drivers are actually employees; however, they are paid less than minimum wage in some cases at both companies.

In the case of Uber and Lyft, the drivers are actually employees; however, they are paid less than minimum wage in some cases at both companies. The problem is not that these companies do not pay their drivers enough money; rather, it’s that they do not provide an adequate compensation for services provided by those who drive for them.

Uber and Lyft would like to call their drivers “independent contractors,” but this is only partially true: these workers must meet certain requirements before they can become part of either platform (such as passing criminal background checks), wear uniforms while working (in most cases), follow specific driving routes set out by management teams at each company–and even take mandatory breaks during shifts!

Drivers want to be paid fairly and treated well by the companies who use their services – and be given the respect that they deserve as professionals in their fields.

Drivers want to be paid fairly and treated well by the companies who use their services – and be given the respect that they deserve as professionals in their fields.

They are not satisfied with being treated like independent contractors, but rather would prefer to be employees of an organization where they can build a career and receive benefits such as health insurance, 401k plans, paid time off (PTO) policies and other perks that come with full-time employment status.

There will always be a need for ride sharing, but it needs to be done right for everyone involved

Ride sharing is a great service for people who need it. The ability to connect drivers with customers and vice versa can be a valuable tool, but it’s important that both parties are treated fairly and given the respect they deserve as professionals in their fields.

This isn’t always the case with ride sharing apps like Uber or Lyft; many drivers have reported being mistreated by these companies and have complained about low pay rates, poor customer service practices, unfair fines and more.


There will always be a need for ride sharing, but it needs to be done right for everyone involved. Ride sharing companies should pay their drivers a fair wage and treat them with respect as professionals in their fields. Drivers should have access to benefits like healthcare coverage, retirement plans and other perks that would make working for these companies more appealing than just doing it on their own or through another network like Lyft or Uber.