A Guide To Preventative Maintenance For Alternative Fuel Vehicles


When it comes to alternative fuel vehicles, most people are familiar with the terms “hybrid” and “electric.” But what about natural gas or propane? There are many ways to power your vehicle, which is great—until something goes wrong. Preventative maintenance can help keep you safe on the road, no matter what type of fuel your vehicle uses.

A Guide To Preventative Maintenance For Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Keep a consistent fueling schedule

The next step in your journey to a cleaner, greener lifestyle is to keep a consistent fueling schedule. A fueling schedule will help you save money on fuel and prevent excess wear on your vehicle’s engine, which can lead to costly repairs later on.

It’s important to note that maintaining a consistent fueling schedule doesn’t mean driving less; it means filling up when the tank is low instead of waiting until it’s nearly empty before topping off the tank. This will help reduce unnecessary idling time while waiting in line at the pump or while sitting at stoplights during long drives between refills (which also cuts down on carbon emissions).

Check your vehicle’s tires regularly

Check your vehicle’s tires regularly. Checking the tire pressure with a pressure gauge and checking the tread depth are two of the most important things you can do to ensure that your tires are in good condition.

Checking for any signs of damage or wear is also important, as this will help you identify any issues before they become bigger problems that end up costing more money to fix later on. If you see any damage, get it fixed immediately so as not to put yourself at risk while driving around town or on the highway!

Clean the fuel lines, filter and tank

It’s important to keep your fuel system clean and free from rust or debris. The easiest way to do this is by regularly cleaning the fuel lines, filter and tank.

  • How often should I clean the fuel system?

You should check for any signs of contamination in your vehicle’s fuel system on a regular basis (every 3-6 months). If you notice any change in performance or smell an unusual odor coming from under the hood while driving, it may be time to clean out all three parts of your vehicle’s fuel system: lines; filter; tank.* What do I need before attempting this procedure?* A bucket filled with warm water* Bleach solution (1 part bleach/10 parts water)* A brush designed specifically for cleaning carburetors

Keep the battery charged and clean

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your car is keep its battery charged, clean and working properly. To do this, you’ll need to:

  • Charge the battery. Make sure that all charging equipment is in good condition before connecting it to your car’s electrical system. Also make sure that there are no kinks in any cables or other obstructions between where you connect them and where they’re going (such as another vehicle).
  • Clean off corrosion from both sides of each terminal with an approved cleaning agent like baking soda or vinegar (never use gasoline). If there’s still corrosion after this treatment, try again with WD-40 sprayed onto an old toothbrush; then wipe away excess liquid with a rag and let dry completely before reconnecting anything back up again!
  • Test out how well everything works by jumping start yourself using jumper cables from another vehicle if possible – but don’t forget not only will doing this cause damage over time if done improperly so make sure when doing so you follow directions carefully!

Inspect hoses, belts and wiring regularly

  • Inspect hoses, belts and wiring regularly.
  • Check for cracks, leaks and fraying.
  • Replace as necessary.
  • Belt replacement intervals vary by vehicle manufacturer; check your owner’s manual for recommendations or ask your mechanic to help you determine when it’s time to replace yours. Hose replacement intervals are typically 10-15 years depending on how much the vehicle is driven (less than 15 miles per day = more frequent hose changes).
  • Check all wiring for damage, loose connections and corrosion – especially around battery terminals where corrosion can easily form! Make sure all wiring is properly connected to the battery; if there is any question about whether something needs fixing before you drive off in your car/truck/SUV etc., please have it looked at by a professional mechanic who knows what they’re doing!

Change the air filter and cabin air filter periodically

One of the easiest maintenance tasks you can perform is changing your air filter. Most vehicles have an air filter that needs to be replaced every 15,000 miles or every 6 months, depending on how much you drive and what type of driving conditions you encounter. If changing your own oil is too much for you but replacing an air filter isn’t, then consider having a technician do it for a small fee.

Cabin air filters are located inside the cabin of the vehicle and are responsible for removing dust, pollen and other irritants from circulating through your car’s ventilation system. They’re inexpensive and easy to replace: just pop off one side panel (usually behind either seat), unscrew two bolts holding down an old one in place before sliding out its replacement.

Preventative maintenance can help keep you safe on the road.

Preventative maintenance is important for all vehicles, but it’s especially important for alternative fuel vehicles. These cars are more complicated than traditional cars and require regular maintenance to stay running smoothly. They also tend to be more expensive because they have more advanced features and materials.

A proper preventative maintenance schedule will ensure that your car runs efficiently, safely and reliably each time you drive it–which can help keep you safe on the road!


The road can be a dangerous place, but you can avoid many of the hazards if you’re prepared. By following these tips and doing regular maintenance on your vehicle, you’ll have peace of mind as well as a safer ride.