9 Surprising Ways Electric Cars Are Better For The Environment Than Gas-Powered Ones


If you’ve been thinking about buying an electric car, but aren’t sure why it would be better for the environment than a gas-powered vehicle, consider these nine surprising ways that electric cars help keep our planet green.

9 Surprising Ways Electric Cars Are Better For The Environment Than Gas-Powered Ones

The energy they use is renewable and green.

Electric cars are powered by electricity, not gasoline. This means they can be powered by renewable energy sources like solar and wind. The more we use clean and renewable energy sources, the cleaner our environment will be.

There are many ways to generate electricity:

  • Solar panels that collect sunlight to produce electricity (solar).
  • Wind turbines that capture wind power to create energy (wind).
  • Hydroelectric dams use flowing water from rivers or lakes as a source of power (hydro).
  • Geothermal plants draw heat from underground rocks to create steam which turns turbines (geothermal). Biomass is another type of biomass-based fuel that comes from organic matter such as wood chips or corn stalks which decompose into methane gas when burned at high temperatures; it’s also known as biofuel because it comes from living things like trees instead of fossil fuels like coal or oil deposits deep underground

Electric cars produce fewer harmful emissions.

Electric cars are better for the environment because they produce no emissions. Gas-powered vehicles emit harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide, which contribute to climate change and respiratory diseases like asthma. Electric cars run on electricity generated by wind turbines, solar panels and other renewable energy sources that don’t harm the environment or contribute to global warming.

Electric vehicles are quiet.

Let’s face it, there are a lot of things about electric cars that are nicer than gas-powered ones. They’re quieter, for one thing–no engine noise or exhaust noise. For another, you don’t need to drown out the sound of your vehicle’s engine with loud music or air conditioning in order to stay comfortable while driving.

And if you’re worried about being able to hear pedestrians and other drivers? Well then an electric car is probably right up your alley! There’s no muffler needed on an electric car because they don’t produce any combustion byproducts like carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxides (i.e., smog).

They require less maintenance than gas-powered vehicles.

You may be surprised to learn that electric cars have fewer moving parts than their gas-powered counterparts. There are no spark plugs, air filters or oil changes required for an electric vehicle. This means less maintenance and more time on the road.

Electric cars help save the planet’s resources.

Electric cars are more efficient than gas-powered ones. This means that they use less energy and produce fewer carbon emissions.

Electric cars use less water than gas-powered ones, which makes them better for the planet’s resources.

You’ll save money on fuel costs over time.

As you can see, there are many ways in which electric cars are better for the environment than gas-powered ones. But what about the money? Is it worth it to make the switch?

The answer is yes–and here’s why:

  • Gas is expensive! Electric cars are cheaper to maintain because they have fewer moving parts and don’t require oil changes or tune-ups as frequently as traditional cars do (if at all). Also, since most people charge their EVs at home overnight when electricity rates are lower than during peak hours, you’ll save money on fuel costs over time. If your local utility offers rebates or other incentives for purchasing an EV charger for your home, then even more savings await!

You’ll benefit from a tax credit or rebate.

You’ll save money on fuel costs over time.

If you’ve been thinking about getting an electric car, but haven’t been able to justify the cost, here’s some good news: You may be eligible for a tax credit or rebate! Depending on where you live and how much your vehicle costs, this can be anywhere from $2,500 to $7,500 per vehicle. That means that over five years (the average lifespan of an electric vehicle), not only will you save money on fuel costs–but also enjoy reduced maintenance fees since EVs don’t require oil changes or tune-ups like gas-powered cars do. Plus there are no emissions released into our air during the process of charging up at home or at work with an electrical outlet (which is better for everyone).

Electric car charging stations are increasing in number and accessibility every day.

You might be surprised to learn that there are already more than 20,000 electric charging stations in the US. The number of charging stations is increasing rapidly, and we expect it to grow by 50{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} in the next 5 years.

If you’re thinking about buying an electric car but aren’t sure why it would be better for the environment than a gas-powered vehicle, consider these nine surprising ways that electric cars help keep our planet green!

If you’re thinking about buying an electric car but aren’t sure why it would be better for the environment than a gas-powered vehicle, consider these nine surprising ways that electric cars help keep our planet green!

  • They don’t produce as much pollution. Electric vehicles produce zero emissions when they’re running on electricity from renewable sources like wind or solar power. On average, an electric car produces just 1/20th as much carbon dioxide (CO2) per mile than its gasoline-powered counterpart–and that’s with no tailpipe emissions at all!
  • They use less energy overall. The charging process itself requires energy, but because EVs are more efficient at converting fuel into motion than internal combustion engines (ICEs), they require less electricity overall to operate and move around town–which means less greenhouse gas emissions over time too! In fact, some studies show that EVs could become completely emission-free if all of their power came from renewable sources such as solar panels or wind turbines instead of coal plants like most Americans get right now…


If you’re thinking about buying an electric car but aren’t sure why it would be better for the environment than a gas-powered vehicle, consider these nine surprising ways that electric cars help keep our planet green!