7 Questions You Should Think About When Driving An Autonomous Vehicle


Autonomous vehicles are the future. That’s why so many people are excited about them, and why governments around the world are investing so much money into developing them. But there’s still a lot we don’t know about AVs—which is why you should be asking yourself these questions right now:

7 Questions You Should Think About When Driving An Autonomous Vehicle

What is the safest place to sit in a self-driving car?

The safest place to sit in a self-driving car is the back seat. If there is only one back seat, you should sit in the middle of it.

If there are two rows of seats and you are not driving, then it’s best to get as far away from any doors as possible so that if they open unexpectedly there won’t be an obstruction for pedestrians or other cars when they open up (this means sitting behind either row). If there are two rows of seats and someone else is driving, then it’s still best if you sit behind them because this will give them more reaction time when something happens ahead on the road–and since most accidents happen within 10 miles per hour (16 km/h), this could save your life!

If there are three rows of seats and nobody else is driving yet but we have another passenger who wants something different than what we said above–then go ahead! Just remember that these guidelines apply only when autonomous vehicles aren’t available yet 🙂

What will an autonomous vehicle look like in the future?

In the future, autonomous vehicles will look like regular cars. They’ll have no steering wheel or pedals, but they will be electric and have a range of 200 miles. They will be able to drive themselves on highways and other areas with clear road markings and signage; however, they won’t be able to navigate urban streets with pedestrians and other obstacles yet.

Will we be able to talk to our AV?

This is one of those questions that depends on the car and its design. Some cars will be able to talk to you, some won’t. If it can talk to you, it will be able to tell you what it’s doing and answer questions about where it’s going and why. It could also ask for help if something goes wrong in the car–will this make us more likely or less likely to rely on our AVs?

If your car isn’t voice-activated (or doesn’t have a specific function like Siri), there are still ways around this issue: You could bring along an old-fashioned paper map or use Google Maps on your phone while driving–but then again, why would anyone want an autonomous vehicle if they had another option?

How can I get training for my family on how to use an autonomous vehicle?

You can get training for your family on how to use an autonomous vehicle. It’s important to understand how these vehicles work and what they’re capable of doing. There are a lot of questions that need answering before everyone can start driving these cars, so it’s best if you have some experience with them beforehand. You should also be aware of the limitations of the vehicle so that when someone makes a mistake or does something unexpected with it, they won’t hurt themselves or others in the process.

Will the government regulate this new technology in the same way it does with traditional cars?

In the coming years, autonomous vehicles will become more prevalent. As with any new technology, there will be a learning curve for both users and regulators.

A lot of this regulation will likely come in the form of safety standards. The government needs to make sure that these vehicles are safe for use on public roads–and as with any new product, there may be some hiccups along the way until manufacturers figure out how best to ensure their products meet these requirements.

Will all cars become autonomous in the future?

The answer to this question is that not all cars will become autonomous. Some people will continue to drive their own cars and they will do so for a variety of reasons. For instance, some people enjoy driving and would rather not give up the control of their vehicle. Others may need to continue driving because they have no other option (e.g., they live in an area where public transportation is lacking).

When will I be able to buy one of these vehicles and drive it right now?

The answer is that you can’t. Not yet, anyway.

This technology is still in development, and while it’s coming along quickly and most people believe that autonomous vehicles will be widely available within 10 years or so, there are still some hurdles to overcome before they’re ready for your daily commute. The technology isn’t yet safe enough for public use; it doesn’t work in every situation (yet); and the cost of producing these vehicles makes them prohibitively expensive for most people right now (though prices are expected to drop over time).

There are a lot of questions that need answering before everyone can start driving these cars

There are a lot of questions that need answering before everyone can start driving these cars. The technology is still in its infancy, and the government needs to get involved. The public also needs to be educated about the technology and its benefits, as well as potential drawbacks like security risks or lack of privacy.

The biggest hurdle for widespread autonomous car use is cost: autonomous vehicles are much more expensive than conventional ones because they require extra sensors, software and other systems that make them safer but also more complex–and therefore pricier.


The future of driving is exciting and full of possibility. The potential benefits are vast, but there are also many unanswered questions about how autonomous vehicles will be regulated and implemented. If you’re interested in learning more about self-driving cars and how they work, check out our website!