6 Options For The Autonomous Car User Interface


The user interface of your autonomous car is a critical component. In fact, it may be the single most important aspect of your ride. It’s what you’ll rely on if you need to take over from the computer, and it’s also how you interact with the vehicle when it’s operating in “self-drive” mode. That said, there are plenty of different options out there for what that UI will look like—and we’ve broken them down into six categories below:

6 Options For The Autonomous Car User Interface

Head-up display

Head-up displays are common in airplanes and cars, but they’re not a typical option for autonomous vehicles. They can be used to display navigation or other information that the driver might need to see while driving (such as alerts and warnings). The most obvious advantage of HUDs over traditional dashboards is that they don’t require drivers to look away from what’s happening on the road ahead of them–a safe thing for any human being behind the wheel.


Touchscreen is the most common interface in cars today. It’s easy to use and can be used for infotainment and maps, but it doesn’t allow you to control the car.

Virtual reality (no screens)

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that has already been used in other industries, such as gaming and entertainment. VR headsets can be used to keep the driver’s eyes on the road, allowing them to focus on driving rather than looking at a screen or other devices. The experience is immersive and engaging; it helps keep your mind off of distractions like texting while driving, which is one of the leading causes of accidents today. You can also use VR headsets for entertainment purposes–for example, watching movies or videos while you drive!

Voice commands

The voice command option is a good one for autonomous cars. Voice commands are easy for users to understand and use, especially in situations where they can’t use their hands or gestures. Voice commands can also be used when driving conditions make it difficult for drivers to see the touchscreen in front of them, such as rain or snow.

This makes voice commands an ideal choice for autonomous vehicles because they don’t require any physical interaction with the user interface at all–you just have to say what you want done and then sit back while your car takes care of everything!


Gestures are a good way to control the car. In fact, gestures can be used in conjunction with voice commands. You can also use gestures if you’re driving or riding in an autonomous vehicle by yourself or with friends and family members who are not able to speak due to disabilities.

Haptic feedback (touch)

Haptic feedback is the sense of touch. It’s the feeling you get when you press a button, or when your phone vibrates in your pocket to let you know that someone has texted. Haptic feedback can be used to control the car, but it can also be used as a way of letting drivers know what’s happening with their vehicle at any given moment–for example, if there’s an accident ahead or if they’re about to go into autonomous mode.

Haptic feedback makes it feel more like a human-controlled vehicle because it allows for some interaction with its environment through physical means (like pressing buttons).

The interface is a critical component of autonomous cars.

The interface is a critical component of autonomous cars. The user experience will be different from what we’re used to, and it’s important that the company that develops the best interface wins.

The technology behind these interfaces can vary widely: some may use voice commands or gestures; others could have more traditional screens with touchscreens or buttons for control. As we move into this new era of transportation, there will be many competing products that look very different from each other — but they should all aim for ease of use so you don’t have to learn how to operate your car before getting into it!


We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible with autonomous cars, but it’s clear that this is going to be an exciting time for designers and developers. The user interface is going to play a crucial role in how people interact with their cars, so if you’re looking for an opportunity to make a difference in this space then now might just be the perfect time!